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2014 Source Water Project Descriptions

Wilber – SWP880114

City of Wilber Source Water Assessment Project

This project is a combination of field data and assessment, as well as on-the-ground activities. Wellhead Protection Area soil and water samples will be taken to provide an understanding of existing levels of nitrate. On-the-ground activities include cost-share for agronomic soil sampling, well decommissions and irrigation water flow meters. In addition, they would like to install a dedicated groundwater pump and water level logger in a new monitoring well.

York – SWP880214

Source Water Protection & Wellhead Protection Plan for the City of York, Nebraska

Develop a NDEE approved Wellhead Protection Plan containing the required components. Within this develop a Source Water Management Plan to manage potential sources of contamination in the WHPA. In addition, establish a Wellhead Protection Ordinance that will allow York to extend more stringent regulations to the WHPA outside of their zoning jurisdiction.

Bridgeport – SWP880314

Taking the Next Steps to Protect Bridgeport’s Water Resources

Educate citizens of Bridgeport about the over-application of fertilizers on lawns by obtaining soil samples from volunteers and developing a handout of the area with high nitrates. In addition, drill three monitoring wells within areas identified as being within the 2-10 flow area of Bridgeport’s water wells. The last objective would be providing cost-share for the decommission of up to 10 domestic wells.