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ONE RED - Implementation Grant


Update: On Feb. 26, 2025, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) confirmed federal funding for the ONE RED program is open for draw on a reimbursement basis. Following this confirmation, the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) resumed development of the ONE RED grant programs described below. In order to protect Nebraska grant recipients from incurring costs that the State may not be able to reimburse, NDEE is delaying implementation of the ONE RED grants as it actively communicates with the EPA regarding the program’s status. Work on this program was temporarily paused following the federal executive order Unleashing American Energy


The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has received a $307 million Climate Pollution Reduction Implementation Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Nebraska’s ONE RED program. This is the largest federal grant ever awarded to the Department.

NDEE will use the grant funds over a five-year period to implement voluntary programs with financial incentives to strengthen all sectors of Nebraska’s economy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The funded programs will include energy efficiency measures to reduce energy costs, incentives for sustainable agriculture practices, solar energy projects, and advanced livestock waste management. A significant portion of the projects are designed to benefit low-income and underserved communities, which include both rural and urban areas of the state. Details of the anticipated programs are available in the links to the left of this page or in the full workplan attached to the bottom of this page.

The success of Nebraska’s application was made possible by the extensive public input from a broad range of partners and stakeholders across the state, including state and local government departments, public power districts, agricultural stakeholders, subject matter experts, and Nebraska citizens. This input was vital to the development of Nebraska’s Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP), which formed the basis for NDEE’s implementation grant application.

NDEE received the official award in October 2024. NDEE is working to set up the funding programs authorized by the grant award. Please return to this page often for updates on the progress of these programs.


 Programs funded through the CPRG Implementation Grant



Metric Tons GHG Reduction

By 2030

By 2050

Non-Residential Energy Efficiency ProgramProjects for industrial, commercial, agricultural, public, and nonprofit buildings and facilities.




Residential Pre-Weatherization ProgramFunding to address critical home repairs for low-income residents to allow eligibility for the Weatherization Assistance Program.




ONE RED Irrigation Engine ProgramRebates to farmers to replace diesel irrigation pump engines with electric motors or pumps connected to the electric grid.




Rural Community Solar ProgramSolar arrays to provide partial power to water and waste-water facilities, reducing energy cost.




Non-Residential Solar ProgramFunds for solar projects in locations such as rooftops for industrial, commercial, or municipal facilities; community solar in brownfield locations; solar canopies over parking lots and cattle feedlots; and other locations that do not displace other productive uses.




Ag Registry and Grants Program:

Three interdependent strategies: 1) Develop a Carbon Intensity (CI) Score Registry with incentives for participation; 2) Incentives for adoption of Regenerative Agriculture Practices to improve soil health and reduce N fertilizer use; 3) Incentives for Precision Agriculture equipment for more efficient production.




Anaerobic Digester/Biogas Hub ProgramEstablish a regional biogas cleaning facility near an existing natural gas pipeline, with biogas supplied by digesters at nearby animal feeding operations to benefit multiple producers.




Biochar Incentive ProgramFunding for biochar processing facilities that will convert woody organic waste into biochar, which can store carbon in the soil.




The listed programs listed above were developed measures selected for funding from the larger set of pollution reduction measures developed for Nebraska’s PCAP. The programs will provide broad benefits to Nebraska geographically and across different economic sectors. Some PCAP measures were not included in this implementation grant because other pending federal funding sources are expected to be available for them.