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Air Toxics Resources

This webpage includes implementation tools and resources helpful for understanding air toxics regulations. The Air Toxics 101 information will help understand the basics of air toxics including: how they are formed; their environmental and health effects; the Clean Air Act (CAA) requirements pertaining to toxics; and the basics of the regulations. Also included on this page are regulation summaries and links to valuable resources. These resources are pertinent for all the regulations within 40 CFR Part 63 and not specific to one regulation

Air Toxics 101

General Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP) Information – This EPA website discuss what HAPs are, their environmental and health effects, their sources and exposure, community information, and emission reduction measures.

Air Toxics Clean Air Act Overview – This EPA website provides an introduction to the CAA and discusses each subsection of Section 112 of the CAA pertaining to air toxics.

EPA’s list of the 188 Hazardous Air Pollutants under the Clean Air Act Amendments.

Urban Air Toxics – This EPA website provides an overview of urban air toxics, outreach and education materials, including a list of the common 30 urban air toxic pollutants that pose the greatest potential health threat to urban areas. Under the Urban Air Toxics Strategy EPA is developing standards to control toxic air pollutants from area sources that emit less than 10 tons annually of a single hazardous air pollutant or less than 25 tons annually of a combination of hazardous air pollutants.

EPA’s Air Toxics Regulations Summaries

NESHAP (MACT) Standard Source Categories

Nebraska Air Quality Regulations

Before Nebraska can implement and enforce EPA’s laws, air quality regulations must be developed for the state. NDEE’s authority to develop regulations comes from the Clean Air Act and the Nebraska Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). The state may develop and enforce rules that are more stringent than federal laws and regulations but cannot make rules that are less stringent. Nebraska air quality regulations are found in Title 129 of the Nebraska Administrative Code. NDEE’s Air Quality Division develops and proposes new and revised regulations to the Environmental Quality Council. Title 129 is updated regularly to keep up with ever changing federal regulations. Chapter 13 and Appendix I of Title 129 covers hazardous air pollutant requirements.

Implementation Resources

EPA Region VII – EPA Region 7 oversees EPA’s efforts in protecting human health and the environment in the states of Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska.

EPA’s Technical Air Pollution Resources – This EPA webpage provides access to a collection of EPA resources with technical information about many areas of air pollution prevention, technology, regulation, measurement, and science

EPA Laws and Regulations – This EPA webpage provide a number of tools for you to keep track of and participate in the development of new EPA regulations, and to learn how to comply with existing regulations.

EPA's Compliance Assistance Centers – The Compliance Assistance Centers offer easy access to plain-language materials and other resources on environmental compliance. Most Compliance Assistance Centers are funded by EPA through cooperative agreements.

National Small Business Environmental Assistance Program – Section 507 of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments requires each state establish a Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAP) to assist small businesses with environmental compliance and emissions reduction. This website contains resources for both small businesses and the SBEAPs that serve them.