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ONE RED - Comprehensive Action Plan

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) received a $3 million Climate Pollution Reduction Planning Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to develop Nebraska’s first state-wide climate action plans to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other harmful air pollutants in the state. NDEE has established the ONE RED program to carry out these planning activities.

The first phase of this planning program was the development of a Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) to identify short-term greenhouse gas reduction measures to be achieved through voluntary measures and financial incentives through 2030. The Department has also received an award of $307 million to implement eight of the measures proposed in the PCAP.

The second phase of this planning program will develop a Comprehensive Action Plan (CAP) to propose short-term and long-term greenhouse gas reduction measures across all sectors of Nebraska’s economy. Like the PCAP, this plan will propose voluntary measures and financial incentives that could produce environmental and economic benefits across Nebraska. The plan will assess the potential benefits of these measures statewide and for low-income and underserved communities, which include both urban and rural areas. The CAP, which is due by December 2025, will also propose long-term greenhouse gas reduction targets and analyze workforce impacts arising from the proposed actions and their associated training needs.

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy is committed to an open, transparent, and inclusive engagement process for these planning activities. The Department will undertake extensive outreach to stakeholder groups and the public for ideas, discussion, and comments. NDEE will invite stakeholders to join one or more sector-based workgroups to suggest and discuss potential GHG reduction measures and targets. The workgroup list will likely include:

· Agriculture / Natural and Working Lands
· Energy Production
· Transportation
· Buildings, Housing, and Communities
· Industry / Waste Management.

This web page will be updated frequently in the coming months as the outreach timeline is developed. Please see the ONE RED Contact page for information on joining the ONE RED listserv and providing comments on the program and planning.

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