Planning Grants: Drinking Water Preliminary Engineering Reports
Planning grants of up to $20,000 are available to Nebraska’s publicly-owned water supply systems serving populations of less than 10,000. The state’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund established the Project Planning Activities and Report (PPAR) Grant Program to help small public systems analyze their operations and develop technically and financially effective strategies to ensure they continue to comply with drinking water regulations and provide clean drinking water to their communities.
Amounts available
Grants of up to $20,000 are available for communities of populations of less than 10,000 that have been identified with a financial hardship. The community is required to contribute 10% of the cost.
How can the funds be used?
Communities and regional systems can use these funds to hire consultants to assess the current system and develop strategies for the future. This Preliminary Engineering Report can assess whether the current infrastructure is adequately addressing regulatory requirements, and provide recommendations for what actions should be taken in the future. An important focus of these assessments is to determine how a small community can make the most effective use of limited financial resources to ensure their community is provided clean drinking water.
What communities are considered for these grants?
Any city, town, village, sanitary improvement district, natural resource district, or other public body created by or pursuant to state law having jurisdiction over a public water supply system may be eligible. Privately-owned water supply systems are not eligible for assistance.
The NDEE determines which communities are eligible for these grants, based on information that communities send to the state in a biennial (every other year) Combined Clean Water and Drinking Water SRF Needs Survey. These surveys are sent to communities every fall and are due to the state by January 15. The state evaluates these Needs Surveys to establish communities’ rankings in the Intended Use Plan of the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund. Then, the state selects the most likely candidates that would be eligible and sends them applications for the planning grants.
It should be noted that the state awards planning grants to communities that intend to follow through with the plans’ recommendations, and will seek Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loans to accomplish these goals.
Who to Contact
NDEE Financial Assistance Section (402) 471-4200. E-mail:
Related information
Nebraska Safe Drinking Water Act and Regulations Governing Public Water Supply Systems, as encompassed in Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services: Title 179: Public Water Supply Systems
Small Community Matching
The Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund program periodically sets aside a certain amount of money to provide planning grant assistance to small public water supply systems as a part of the state’s capacity development strategy to help communities develop technical, managerial, and financial capacity particularly as it relates to long-term capital improvement needs. This financial assistance is provided to communities to identify capital improvement needs as well as increase their readiness to proceed in accomplishing these improvements. Planning grants may be provided to publicly owned water supply systems serving 10,000 or fewer people, including any city, town, village, sanitary improvement district, natural resource district, or other public body created by or pursuant to state law having jurisdiction over a public water supply system. Privately owned water supply systems are not eligible for assistance. Grants are provided for up to 90% of the costs for eligible preliminary engineering report services, but cannot exceed $10,000 per system.