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Dollar & Energy Saving Loans

Nebraska Dollar and Energy Saving Loans are offered statewide by the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) and the state's lending institutions. The simple interest rates are 5%, 3.5%, or less*.
[ *final annual percentage rate (APR) may vary by lender and loan fees charged ]

Many common home, building or system energy improvements qualify for financing.

Pre-qualified projects for home and building improvements are generally cost-effective and can be financed with a low-interest loan for up to 15 years, or for 5 years for appliances. The term for other Pre-qualified projects ranges from 3 to 10 years, depending on the loan category. Minimum monthly payments apply: $25 for appliances and electronics; $50 for all others.

Loan CategoriesBorrower Maximums for Home, Building or
System Energy Improvements
Dollar & Energy Saving Loans1.5% Loans for NPPD Customers
List of NPPD Customers
Wind, Photovoltaic, Fuel Cell projects
[ Qualifying projects exceeding maximum loan amount and term will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will be subject to an additional 1/2% funding fee at the time of closing. ]Check with your lender for availability.Not all lenders may offer a 1.5% rate. Check with your lender for availability.Check with your lender for availability.
Find a LenderFind a LenderFind a Lender
One and Two Family Dwellings (including rural properties)$125,000$125,000
Individually Metered Only
Fuel Cell
Multi-family Dwellings with 3 or more units, 1-3 stories tall$250,000$250,000
Individually Metered Only
Fuel Cell
A federal partnership for businesses, manufacturers and institutions to improve energy performances in their facilities and operations.
$500,000Not AvailableWind
Fuel Cell
  • Businesses
  • Manufacturers
  • Institutions
  • Non-Profits
  • Multi-Family Buildings 4 Stories or more
  • Agricultural Buildings
  • Local governments
  • All political subdivisions, except state government
$500,000Not AvailableWind
Fuel Cell
Farm and Ranch Operations (Borrowers must produce $1,000 + of agricultural products in a calendar year)$500,000Not AvailableWind
Fuel Cell
$500,000Not AvailableWind
Fuel Cell
Telecommunications Projects$250,000Not AvailableNot Available
Dedicated alternative Fuel Projects$500,000Not AvailableNot Available
ENERGY STAR® Certified Home Electronics$25,000Not AvailableNot Available
ENERGY STAR® Certified Office Electronics$50,000Not AvailableNot Available

Getting a Loan for Pre-qualified Projects

The first thing you will need are the loan application forms for the improvements you wish to make. Specific energy efficiency requirements are listed on the forms for each type of project.

If you are an individual or in the case of a business, a sole proprietor, you must complete and submit a United States Citizenship Attestation (Form A) in order to comply with Nebraska Legislative Bill 403 signed into law on April 8, 2009.

When you are ready to apply for loan, you may get loan application forms from your lender, the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, or print a copy of the form from the list below. Just click on the form or forms you need and print them on your printer. Form B must be included with your loan application when submitting project application Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 20 and 30.

Pre-qualified Project Application Forms

Form 1 (22-011_1)

Replacement Appliance Application. For consumer and business products such as Refrigerator, Freezer, Dishwasher and Clothes Washer Appliance Replacement. Maximum loan term 1 to 5 years.

Form 2 (22-012_2)

Door, Window, Wall and Ceiling Projects Application. Insulation Added, Seal leaking Doors and Windows, Wall and Ceiling Insulation, Caulking and Sealing Building Envelope (if your project includes roofing, siding, new windows or doors you must attach supplemental forms 2 Roofing (22-013 2-1), 2 Siding (22-014 2-2), or 2 Window/Door (22-015 2-3)). Maximum loan term 1 to 15 years.

Form 3 (22-016_3)

(HVAC) Heating, Cooling and Water Heating Projects Application. Furnace, Air Conditioning and Water Heater Projects. Maximum loan term 1 to 15 years.

Form 4 (22-017)

Lighting Projects Application. Maximum loan term 1 to 15 years if a building improvement; 1 to 10 years if a system improvement. If needed, use the Form 4, Lighting Projects (Excel) Spreadsheet to list lighting improvements on pages 2 and 3.

Form 8 (22-020_8)

Telecommunications Equipment Application. Telecommunication Network Access Equipment, Servers, Modems/Rack Modems, Channel Service Units, Data Service Units, Computers, Video Conferencing Products, Portable Conferencing Units, Teleconferencing Bridges and more. Maximum loan term 1 to 10 years.

Form 9 (22-021_9)

ENERGY STAR® Certified Home Electronics and Office Equipment Application. Computers and Laptops, Printers, Monitors, Fax Machines, Copiers, Cordless phones, Answering machines, Battery Chargers, Home Audio Equipment, Televisions and more. Maximum loan term 1 to 5 years.

Form 20 (22-030_20)

Wind, Solar and Fuel Cell Application. Fuel Cells, Wind, Solar Hot Water and Photovoltaic Systems. Maximum loan term 1 to 10 years.

Form 35

Utility Records Release. For use when Utility Account is in the name of someone other than the applicant.

Form A

United States Citizenship Attestation. To comply with Nebraska Legislative Bill 403.

Form B

Project Start Notification. Agreement not to purchase equipment or contractually obligate yourself to a project until a Commitment Agreement (Form 10) is signed by NDEE.

Do-It-Yourself Analyses and More

Steps to Obtain a Low Interest Loan Using an Energy Saving Improvement Analysis

Form 30 (22-031_30)

Technical Analysis Loan Application

Form 31 (22-032_31)

Technical Analysis Cost Estimate Apply for a loan to pay for a professional energy audit.

Form 32 (22-033_32)

Energy Saving Analysis. Provides a simple energy audit that you can complete yourself.

Form 33 (22-034_33)

Submit your Energy Billing History


United States Department of Agriculture Wood and Corn Btu Calculator

Lender Forms

Lender FormsFor ordering Lender and Project Application Forms and other Program Materials.

Get Price Quotes/Bids

Obtain price quotes or bids from contractors, dealers or installers for the desired projects, but do not proceed with any work or contractually obligate yourself to proceed. (If you do, you lose your eligibility to finance the project through NDEE. You may get a bid or quote, contingent on NDEE approval of your project.)

Only one bid or quote is required by NDEE.

However, it is prudent to compare several bids or quotes and some lenders may require more than one. If there is a minimum performance requirement for a particular project, such as a heating or cooling unit, make sure the bidder is aware of the requirement and ask the bidder to mark the performance factor on the bid form.

If more than one project is included on a bid form, or if there is additional work which does not qualify for low-interest financing, costs of each qualifying project must be itemized.

Complete all the information requested on each form and attach the price quotes or bids that you intend to accept. You may install projects yourself, but may not include the value of your labor in the project cost. If the project will result in a rebate, the amount of that rebate must be deducted from the project cost.

Go To Your Lender

Energy loans are available statewide.

Take the completed forms to an eligible lender — a Nebraska bank, savings institution or credit union of your choice. Most financial institutions in Nebraska offer Dollar and Energy Saving Loans.

You must provide the information required by the lender to complete your loan application and determine that you meet the institution's credit requirements. Lenders are encouraged to make these loans for the maximum term. If your lender does not, or if you are not satisfied with fees or other details of the loan, you may want to contact another participating lender.

The lender will approve your loan application subject to NDEE's commitment of funds. After NDEE reviews your project and reserves funds for your loan, your lender will notify you to proceed with your project.

Do not begin any part of the project until your lender notifies you of NDEE's commitment.

Your lender will notify you when to proceed with the work. All qualifying work should be completed within five months after NDEE's commitment of funds. When completed, notify the lender to finalize any remaining details.

Start repaying your loan while you enjoy the lower energy bills and operating costs provided by the improvements you have made.

Typical Improvements You Can Finance

  • Refrigerator, Freezer, Dishwasher, Dehumidifier or Clothes Washer Replacements
  • Certain Commercial Appliance Replacements
  • Room Air Conditioner and Room Heat Pump
  • Insulation added to walls, floors, ceilings, attics and other building envelope surfaces
  • Windows, Glass Doors and Exterior Doors
  • Storm Windows and Doors
  • Skylight Replacements
  • Broken Windows
  • Windows and Doors to be replaced with solid walls
  • Reflective Window Film
  • Building Air Leaks to be sealed with caulk and weather-stripping or thresholds
  • High Efficiency Space Heating Equipment
  • Forced air gas furnace
  • Steam or hot water boiler
  • Combination water and space heater
  • Radiant heating
  • High Efficiency Space Cooling Equipment
  • Central air conditioner
  • Air source heat pump
  • Ground water or ground coupled heat pump
  • Packaged terminal heat pump or air conditioner
  • Programmable Thermostats and other controls
  • High Efficiency Water Heating Equipment
  • Duct, Pipe and Water Heater Insulation
  • Whole House Fans, Heat or Energy Recovery Ventilator and Outdoor Combustion Air Intake Duct
  • Fireplace Inserts
  • High Efficiency Lighting and Controls
  • Renewable Wind, Solar and Fuel Cell Projects
  • Dedicated alternative Fuel Vehicles and Fueling Facilities
  • Telecommunications Equipment such as network access equipment, video and audio conferencing products and other equipment which save energy by reducing the need for physical transportation
  • ENERGY STAR® Certified Home Electronics and Office Equipment
  • Other Energy Efficiency and Waste Minimization projects can be financed in some situations. Contact NDEE for details.

Getting a Loan for Other Improvements, Equipment or Technical Analyses

If you want to make an improvement or purchase equipment that is not listed on forms 1-4, 7-9 or 20 as a Pre-qualified project you may be able to qualify for financing by demonstrating that the project will pay for itself within:

  • 15 years for building improvements,
  • 5 years for replacement appliances or home electronics and office equipment or
  • 10 years for all others

Do-It-Yourself Analysis and More

Steps to Obtain a Low Interest Loan Using an Energy Saving Improvement Analysis, Form 32 and Form 33 provide a simple energy saving analysis which you can complete yourself.

Form 36 provides the format for doing the same on waste minimization projects.

Additional Considerations

  1. Free or low-cost energy audits may also be available from your local electric or natural gas utility. If these are unavailable or not appropriate, you may seek assistance from a professional engineer, architect or other licensed or certified technician.
  2. When a third party prepares the technical analysis, that person must complete and sign an Analyst No Interest Statement, and the borrower must complete the Utility Records Release, both on Form 34.
  3. Submit the completed analysis of the energy saving improvement(s) or waste minimization project(s), with all supporting documentation, to NDEE.
  4. NDEE will review it to make sure that savings estimates are reasonable or the waste minimization project qualifies, and will return a Technical Analysis Acceptance, Form 6, to the participating lender you designate.
  5. This form lists those improvements or projects identified in the analysis which qualify for a Dollar and Energy Saving Loan.
  6. Meet with your lender when Form 6 is received and proceed with financing the qualifying improvement(s) or project(s).
  7. The cost of an analysis prepared by a third party may be added to a Dollar and Energy Saving Loan as a part of the cost of the project.

Technical Analysis Loans

A technical analysis of energy saving improvements or waste minimization projects may be financed with a Dollar and Energy Saving Loan provided it will be done, as appropriate, by a Professional Engineer or Architect, Certified Energy Manager, Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional or Home Energy Rater.

Use Form 30 and Form 31 to apply for a technical analysis loan through a participating Nebraska lender.

Energy Efficient Housing Loans

Nebraska Energy Efficient Housing Application

Use Form M10 and the Energy Efficient Housing Application Guidelines to apply for new home construction financing for pre-sold homes. This application requires the services of a RESNET, or Building Performance Institute (BPI) certified Home Energy Rating System (HERS) rater.

To remain eligible for this loan, the home owner must receive NDEE written approval of their application prior to applying for a building permit, if required, and prior to any construction or ground breaking.


Pre-qualified and other improvement, equipment or technical analyses projects may not be started prior to NDEE commitment of funds to your lender except in two emergency situations:

  • When a heating system fails or is red-tagged during the months of September through May, or
  • When a cooling system fails during the months of April through October and immediate replacement is essential for verifiable medical reasons.

In either case, the lender must obtain NDEE approval for immediate installation of qualifying equipment. Then the improvement may be financed with a conventional loan until NDEE commits funds to refinance the balance with an energy loan.

Equipment installed in an emergency must still meet minimum performance requirements and the borrower must still meet the lender's credit requirements.

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Planning & Aid Division

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Nebraska Department of Environment & Energy

Planning & Aid Division

Dollar & Energy Saving Loans

P.O. Box 98922

Lincoln, NE 68509

Contact us

Phone: (402) 471-2186

Toll Free: (877) 253-2603

Fax: (402) 471-2909