2016 Source Water Project Descriptions
Auburn – 2016-65292591
A Conjunctive Management Approach to Source Water Protection
Develop Drinking Water Protection Plan (DWMP) to guide future source water management decisions with the ultimate goal of reducing nutrient loading to area streams and reduce pollutant loading to the aquifer. Project will create a 50yr Time-of-Travel Conjunctive Wellhead Protection (WHP) Area delineation, hold an open house to educate and gain feedback from property owners and citizens for project objectives, and abandon up to 12 wells in the newly established WHP area.
Fairbury – 2016-99780516
Revaluating Our Drinking Water Source
Develop land assessment for siting four monitoring wells, vadose zone sampling, and locations to implement Best Management Practices (BMPs). Complete a Drinking Water Protection Management Plan, including a 50yr Time-of-Travel Wellhead Protection Area delineation, to assist the city in determining future on-the-ground activities to implement with the goal of reducing contamination of surface and ground water. Install two nested monitoring wells to improve the city’s current monitoring plan and provide valuable quality and quantity data for the city’s future municipal well. Collect water samples from irrigation and private wells and drinking water sources and evaluate well screen intervals to determine the relationship between the depth of well screens and nitrate concentrations. Conduct one-on-one interviews with local producers in the DWMA to determine current agricultural practices, get feedback on BMP options, and identify possible well abandonment sites. Host a community open house to educate residents and producers on the importance of source water protection. At the open house, the LBNRD will also provide no-cost nitrate sampling for private well owners in the DWMA.
Ohiowa – 2016-65294858
Ohiowa Source Water Protection Project
Community will host community workshop with local property owners to discuss the importance of source water protection, receive public input on the wellhead protection plan, and identify possible well abandonment locations. Identify and decommission at least 25 abandoned or unused wells within city’s corporate limits and wellhead protection area. Update Ohiowa’s Wellhead Protection Plan with information and data obtained through the project.