2018 Source Water Project Descriptions
Broken Bow – 2018-85864860
Broken Bow Drinking Water Protection Management Plan (DWPMP)
Develop and begin implementing a robust stakeholder and public involvement program. Develop a groundwater model to delineate the 50-year WHP area and establish a NDEQ and EPA approved DWPMP that includes all elements of a WHP Plan. Create a WHP overlay zoning district.
Springfield – 2018-85858190
Springfield Drinking Water Protection Management Plan
Develop a groundwater model to delineate the 50-year WHP area and establish a robust NDEE and EPA approved DWPMP that includes all elements of a WHP Plan. This project identifies the water quality issues, opportunities for improving water quality and engages the community in planning and implementation of DWPMP.
Tekamah – 2018-85865138
Tekamah Drinking Water Protection Management Plan
Develop a groundwater model to delineate the 50-year WHP area and establish a robust NDEE and EPA approved DWPMP that includes all elements of a WHP Plan. Create a stakeholder group to strengthen planning efforts.
York – 2018-85865152
Growing Rotational Crops on Wellfields
This project supports the Upper Big Blue’s Project Grow. Project activities includes: increasing citizen's knowledge of the importance of water quality and BMPs in the WHP area; provide educational opportunities for urban and agricultural citizens through workshops and other outreach activities; promote and incentivize cover crop use in York’s WHP area; create a database of all active, inactive and abandoned wells for future WHP area efforts; and provide domestic water quality tests to all willing citizens in WHP area.