Health Alert Issued for Martin Bay Portion of Lake McConaughy
Press Releases
The state has issued a health alert for toxic blue-green algae at the Martin Bay area of Lake McConaughy. This is the only health alert currently in effect, and it only affects the Martin Bay portion of Lake McConaughy.
Hearing Cancelled on Air Implementation Plan Revisions
Press Releases
Sept. 5, 2013 -- NDEQ has cancelled a hearing that had been tentatively scheduled for September 9, 2013 related to proposed amendments to the Nebraska State Implementation Plan filed with the Environmental Protection Agency. The proposed amendments would incorporate revised regulations of the Lincoln-Lancaster County Air Pollution Control Program Regulations and Standards which were adopted in June, 2012.
Health Alerts Issued for Bluestem Lake, Kirkman’s Cove, Willow Creek Lake; Alert Ends at Martin’s Bay
Press Releases
The state has issued health alerts for toxic blue-green algae at Bluestem Lake in Lancaster County, Kirkman’s Cove in Richardson County and Willow Creek Lake in Pierce County. The only other health alert that had been in effect, for the Martin Bay portion of Lake McConaughy, has ended due to low readings for two consecutive weeks.
NDEQ Legal Counsel Selected as ACOEL Fellow
Press Releases
Annette Kovar, Legal Counsel for the Nebraska Department of Environmental, recently received national recognition from a professional association of distinguished lawyers who practice in the field of environmental law.
The American College of Environmental Lawyers (ACOEL) announced that Kovar was one of 20 environmental lawyers who were elected to be Fellows of the organization for the year 2013.
Nitrates and Your Water System Workshop Scheduled Oct. 29 in Nebraska City
Press Releases
Sept. 17, 2013 -- The workshop “Nitrates and Your Water System” will be held in Nebraska City on October 29, 2013.
Health Alerts Issued for Swan Creek 5A, Alert Continues at Willow Creek Lake, Alert Ends at Blue Stem Lake and Kirkman’s Cove
Press Releases
The state has issued a health alert for toxic blue-green algae at Swan Creek 5A Lake in Saline County, and an alert continues at Willow Creek Lake in Pierce County. Health alerts have ended at Bluestem Lake in Lancaster County, and Kirkman’s Cove in Richardson County, because both lakes have had low readings for two consecutive weeks.
EPA Provides Tips on How to Be “SepticSmart” SepticSmart Week: Oct. 23-27
Press Releases
Sept. 23, 2013 -- Nearly one quarter of all American households depend on septic systems to treat their wastewater. Proper septic system care and maintenance is vital to protecting public health and preserving valuable water resources. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has developed a SepticSmart web site at* that provides useful tips to protect your home, health, environment and property values. They have also declared October 23 to 27 to be "SepticSmart Week."
Clean Diesel Funds Available to Help Replace Older School Buses
Press Releases
The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality announced that limited funding is available to replace older school buses with new buses that have certified cleaner burning engines. This funding is made possible by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s State Clean Diesel Grant program.
Nebraska Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel to Meet October 9
Press Releases
Sept. 26, 2013 -- A meeting of the Nebraska Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel is scheduled for Wednesday, October 9, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. at the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) Van Dorn Complex, 2717 South 8th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. For additional information, please see the meeting agenda, or contact Ryan Green, NDEQ Small Business and Public Assistance Coordinator, at 402-471-8697.
(See attached file: 10-09-13 SBCAP Meeting Agenda.pdf)
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NDEQ Expands Bacteria Sampling of Diverted Floodwaters; Results Posted Online
Press Releases
Updated October 4, 2013 -- Due to the fact that some floodwaters from the South Platte and Platte River are being diverted into a number of Nebraska canals and reservoirs, the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) has expanded and extended its weekly sampling plan for bacteria. There may be significantly higher levels of bacteria in floodwaters, both moving and standing, so the state health and environmental agencies advise the public to avoid contact with floodwaters, including the waters that have been diverted into canals and reservoirs.