Pipeline Corridor Map Books Located at Six Libraries; Detailed Information Now Featured in “Online Meeting”
Press Releases
Map books are now available in six libraries to provide the public with an additional method to view detailed information regarding the proposed route corridor in Nebraska that TransCanada has submitted for the Keystone XL pipeline. The map books are located in the public libraries in the towns of Springview, O’Neill, Neligh, Albion, Fullerton and Central City.
In addition, NDEQ has developed an “Online Meeting” that presents a web site version of the information that was discussed at four public information meetings in May.
Online Meeting
Health Alerts Issued for Rockford Lake, Swan Creek 5A
Press Releases
The state has issued health alerts for toxic blue-green algae at Rockford Lake in Gage County and Swan Creek Lake #5A in Saline County. These are the first health alerts issued for the 2012 season. Weekly sampling has been conducted at 49 public lakes in Nebraska since the beginning of May.
July 12 Hearing Focuses on Gering Landfill Permit Modification
Press Releases
The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality will conduct an information session and public hearing in Gering on July 12, 2012. The purpose of the hearing will be to accept public testimony regarding a proposed permit request to modify the design and liner system for previously permitted Cell 6 of the landfill.
The City of Gering is proposing to construct a flexible membrane liner underlain by a two-foot thick compacted clay liner. (For more information, see the public notice below.)
Draft General Permits for CAFOs Now On-Line; Public Comments Invited
Press Releases
June 22, 2012 -- NDEQ is proposing to issue new General Permits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System for concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) to prevent discharges to waters of the state. CAFOs within the State of Nebraska that confine only cattle, either in open lots or under roof, are eligible for coverage. The public comment period for the draft permits runs through July 20, 2012.
Health Alert Issued for Maskenthine Lake in Stanton County
Press Releases
The state has issued health alerts for toxic blue-green algae at Maskenthine Lake in Staton County. This is the only health alert currently in effect.
Four Air Program Update Workshops Scheduled in August
Press Releases
July 5, 2012 -- The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality will be hosting four Air Program Update Workshops in late August. The workshops will provide attendees with updates on current air quality regulations and issues. NDEQ encourages anyone working with air quality regulations to attend. Times and locations include:
NDEQ Provides Initial Feedback Report to TransCanada
Press Releases
The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) has provided an initial feedback report to TransCanada regarding the state’s evaluation of the rerouted portion of the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline project.
Interest Rates for Wastewater Projects Reach Another Historic Low
Press Releases
July 25, 2012 – The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality has announced further reductions in the interest rates available through the Nebraska Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund, which provides communities low-interest loans for wastewater treatment projects.
Public Advised to Stay Aware of Air Quality in Eastern Nebraska
Press Releases
July 25, 2012 – Eastern Nebraska has been experiencing unusually high readings of pollutants (particularly ozone) in recent days, due in part to high temperatures. An excellent source of information regarding regional air quality and forecasts can be found at the AirNow web site, located at http://www.airnow.gov/.
For tips on how to reduce your impact, go to: www.littlestepsbigimpact.com
Health Alert Issued for Kirkman’s Cove in Richardson County
Press Releases
The state has issued health alerts for toxic blue-green algae at Kirkman’s Cove in Richardson County. This is the only health alert currently in effect.