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More Than $1.9 Million Awarded For Tire Collection, Recycling Projects
Press Releases

Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Director Mike Linder announced today that the state is awarding $1.93 million to support 101 tire recycling and cleanup projects across the state.

"Nebraskans pay a $1 fee for every new tire they purchase," said Linder. "These grants put that money into use locally to help manage scrap tires. We like to see the highest possible beneficial use of these old tires, and these projects help us reach that goal."

No Elevated Lead Levels Found in Main Areas of Rhylander Park Additional Testing Will Occur in a Half-Acre Area
Press Releases

June 6, 2013 -- State and local agencies are announcing that soil sampling results in Rhylander Park indicate that only one small portion of the park, outside the main recreational areas, was found to have elevated levels of lead. Elevated lead levels were not found in the ball fields, soccer fields, picnic or playground areas.

2013 Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan Available for Public Comment
Press Releases

Nebraska's 2013 Ambient Air Monitoring Network Plan is available for public comment. The Network Plan was developed to comply with new Federal regulation 40 CFR Part 58.10.

The Network Plan describes the existing ambient air monitoring network in Nebraska and sets forth planned changes through 2014. It also contains information relative to network operations and planning. During the 30-day public comment period, written comments regarding this Network Plan may be submitted to the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) at the mail or email addresses below.

NDEQ Awards $1.4 Million in Waste Reduction and Recycling Grants
Press Releases

Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Director Mike Linder today announced the awarding of $1,366,514 in grants for waste reduction and recycling projects. The grants are available through the Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive Grant Fund. This fund is generated by a fee on solid waste disposed of in landfills (disposal fee), an annual retail business sales fee (business fee), and a fee assessed on the sale of new tires for motor vehicles (tire fee). Tire fee grants totaling $1.93 million for projects related to tire recycling were previously announced in June.

Permits Issued for Two Proposed Hog Operations in Butler County
Press Releases

June 25, 2013 -- The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality is announcing that it has issued construction and operating permits for two proposed hog confinement operations in Butler County. The operations are for Danbred Performance Research Center and Hough Nursery in Butler County. Both proposals received extensive public comment.

Nebraska Students’ Environmental Artwork to be Featured in 2014 “Nebraska: Don’t Waste It” Calendar
Press Releases

The artwork of 13 Nebraska students will be featured in the 2014 “Nebraska: Don’t Waste It!” environmental calendar. The statewide contest is sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) and focuses on the importance of waste reduction, recycling and litter cleanup.