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All About NDEE: Waste and Litter Grants
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) annually distributes millions of dollars in grants that help fund litter and waste reduction projects; recycling programs; scrap tire cleanups; and collections for household hazardous waste, electronic waste, and pharmaceuticals.

These grant programs are managed by the agency’s Grants Section and include the Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive Grants Program and the Litter Reduction and Recycling Program.

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for Beatrice Area Solid Waste Agency (BASWA) South Municipal Solid Waste Landfill

under consideration by the

Nebraska Department of Environment & Energy


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Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy

Permitting and Engineering Division

Lincoln, Nebraska


Lead testing, reduction grants available for schools, licensed child care programs
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) Lead Testing and Reduction Grant Program has grant funds available for public and private schools, local educational agencies, and licensed child care programs across the state to remediate lead in drinking water and reduce children’s exposure. 

Funding comes from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act grant and will be used to replace faucets, fixtures, fountains, and water filler stations that have previously tested high for lead.

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NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE COVERAGE UNDER NPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR CAFOS CONFINING CATTLE – NEG021000 Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy NPDES and State Permits Section Lincoln, Nebraska The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (Department) is issuing notice to provide an opportunity for any interested person to submit written comments, objections and/or hearing requests concerning the issuance of coverage under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) Confining Cattle to the following CA

All About NDEE: Small Business and Public Assistance Program
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) continually works with new and existing businesses, industries, and municipalities across the state to protect, preserve, and enhance our air, land, water, and energy resources by issuing required permits, offering grants and loans, and assisting all entities to manage wastes and protect our shared environmental resources.