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Producing Crude Oil Wells

Producing Crude Oil Wells in Nebraska 1960-2022 Graph


YearProducing Wells YearProducing Wells YearProducing Wells YearProducing Wells YearProducing Wells YearProducing Wells YearProducing Wells
19601,571 19701,244 19801,693 19901,742 20001,179 20101,134 20201,429
19611,860 19711,191 19811,870 19911,716 20011,161 20111,186 20211,405
19621,764 19721,143 19822,006 19921,660 20021,119 20121,247 20221,417
19631,726 19731,107 19832,100 19931,582 20031,124 20131,288 2023NA
19641,711 19741,127 19842,095 19941,489 20041,141 20141,340 2024NA
19651,611 19751,190 19852,091 19951,446 20051,133 20151,436 2025NA
19661,511 19761,291 19861,838 19961,402 20061,134 20161,415 2026NA
19671,430 19771,382 19871,852 19971,361 20071,116 20171,353 2027NA
19681,403 19781,469 19881,723 19981,160 20081,123 20181,397 2028NA
19691,305 19791,551 19891,687 19991,170 20091,077 20191,441 2029NA


Sources: "Nebraska Oil Activity Summary." Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, Sidney, NE. Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, Lincoln, NE.