Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants - Subpart S
NSPS Notebook
Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants - Subpart S
eCFR Subpart S []
This subpart applies to:
- Affected facilities at primary aluminum reduction plants that commence construction or modification after Oct 23, 1974.
Affected facilities:
- Potroom groups;
- Anode bake plants.
Facilities may elect to comply with the requirements of this subpart or the requirements of NESHAP LL of subpart 63 of chapter 40 (per 40 CFR 60.190(c)).
Standards apply to fluorides and visible emissions.
Date of Original Final Rule
Amendments Dates
02/14/1989 (54 FR 6669)
10/07/1997 (62 FR 52399)
10/17/2000 (65 FR 61744)
06/30/1980 (45 FR 44206)
State Regulations
Title 129, Chapter 12, Section 001.28
Previously: Chapter 18, Section 001.42
Federal Regulations
40 CFR 60.190
Related Rules
NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 63
Subpart LL - Primary aluminum reduction
Subpart RRR - Secondary aluminum production plants);
Subpart ZZZZZZ - Aluminum, copper, and nonferrous foundries
Regulations and Federal Registers
eCFR Subpart S []
FAQ's, Fact Sheets, and Rules Summaries
Texas Flowchart []
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