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NDEE announces in-person meetings for the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants planning efforts
Press Releases

LINCOLN, Neb. — The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) is continuing public outreach for Nebraska’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) planning efforts. The agency is holding a series of in-person public meetings to provide a progress update and accept public comments.

NDEE extends deadline to request free nitrate sample kits
Press Releases

LINCOLN, Neb. — The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) is extending the deadline for Nebraskans to request a free nitrate sample kit and lab analysis.

Sample kits can now be requested through March 1, 2024, or until funds are expended. The free nitrate sample kits and lab analyses are offered to all Nebraskans with a private drinking water well.

All About NDEE: Air Emissions Inventory
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy conducts an inventory of air emissions each year using reports from permitted facilities.

This inventory annually collects air emission information from major industrial sources and triennially from lower-emitting minor industrial sources. Each year, the department issues a list of facilities required to complete their reporting, and those reports are due on March 31.

All About NDEE: Tier II Reporting
Press Releases

Nearly 40 years ago, residents of Bhopal, India, experienced what is considered by many to be the worst industrial catastrophe in history – a multi-ton release of methyl isocyanate. The incident became known as the Bhopal disaster.

Along with contributing to thousands of deaths, it is estimated that half a million people were adversely affected by the disaster. The tragedy continues to impact how countries around the world plan and coordinate emergency responses.