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NDEE anticipates receiving $91 million for Home Energy Rebates over the next few years
Press Releases

LINCOLN, Neb. — The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) plans to apply for $91 million through two non-competitive grants funded through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

These grant funds are known as the residential Home Energy Rebate programs -- specifically, the Home Energy Performance-Based Whole House Rebate (Home Efficiency Rebates) and the High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate Program (Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates).

Harmful Algal Blooms Alert issued for five Nebraska lakes
Press Releases

The state has issued a health alert for Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB), also known as toxic blue-green algae, at Maskenthine Reservoir in Stanton County, Willow Creek Reservoir in Pierce County, Bluestem Lake in Lancaster County, Iron Horse Trail Lake (Wildlife Management Area) in Pawnee County, and Kirkman’s Cove Lake in Richardson County.

Iron Horse Trail Lake remained on alert this week after also being on alert last week.

Oliver Reservoir in Kimball County was removed from alert after being on alert last week.

NDEE's Wellhead Protection Program helps communities protect water supply
Press Releases

Across Nebraska, 118 communities have implemented wellhead protection plans to protect their water supplies from potential contamination. Communities voluntarily do this work through the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy’s Wellhead Protection Program (WHP).

Because approximately 85% of Nebraska communities receive their drinking water from groundwater, preventing groundwater contamination is vital to protect Nebraskans’ health and well-being. Through the development and implementation of a wellhead protection plan, potential sources of contamination can be managed.

Presentations from the 2022 Power Summit
Press Releases

The 2022 Power Summit, sponsored by NDEE and NPPD, was held in Lincoln on Oct, 6, 2022. The Power Summit provides those in the power generating industry and those responsible for the implementation of the associated environmental regulations with an opportunity to exchange information related to power production, environmental policies, programs, and issues in Nebraska.

A primary objective of the Summit is to enhance the dialogue that has been established between the power industry and the associated regulatory agencies.

State Revolving Fund programs provide low-interest loans for drinking water and wastewater projects
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) distributes funds from two major revolving loan fund programs to help support the development of critical drinking water and wastewater infrastructure in communities across Nebraska.

These two programs — the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund (for wastewater treatment facilities) and the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund — are commonly referred to as the SRF programs, and they provide below market interest loans, grants, and loan forgiveness to Nebraska communities for pursuit of qualifying projects.

NDEE presents webinar on changes to Nebraska’s Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Air Quality Regulations
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy will present an outreach webinar on future changes to Nebraska's existing municipal solid waste landfill (MSWL) air quality regulations on Tuesday, Nov. 29, 11 a.m. This webinar is intended for owners and operators of municipal solid waste landfills, state and local regulators and the communities that host these facilities. This webinar will provide beneficial information about the following federal rules: New Source Performance Standard for existing landfills 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart Cf and 40 CFR Part 62 OOO.

Petroleum Remediation Program helps clean up spill sites
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy’s Petroleum Remediation section oversees the investigation and cleanup of petroleum contamination across the state. The program also administers a financial assistance program aimed to help tank owners pay for cleanup costs.

This work helps protect Nebraska’s groundwater and the public and can help prepare a site for future development.

Chemigation program works with partners to protect water
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy’s (NDEE) Chemigation Program works to ensure that those using irrigation systems to apply fertilizers and pesticides do not contaminate sources of irrigation water.

The Chemigation Program works with local Natural Resources Districts (NRDs), the University of Nebraska and agricultural producers to ensure the regulations in Title 195 – Chemigation Regulations are followed.