Antelope Creek Removed From Impaired Waters List
Press Releases
City, State and federal officials today announced that Antelope Creek, which runs for 11 miles through Lincoln, has been removed from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Impaired Waters list. Only 90 creeks in the nation have been removed from the list in the last 15 years, and only 14 of those are in urban areas.
Presentations from the 2018 Power Summit
Press Releases
The 2018 Power Summit, sponsored by NDEQ and NPPD, was held in Lincoln on Oct. 30th. The Power Summit provides those in the power generating industry and those responsible for the implementation of the associated environmental regulations with an opportunity to exchange information related to power production, environmental policies, programs, and issues in Nebraska.
A primary objective of the Summit is to enhance the dialogue that has been established between the power industry and the associated regulatory agencies.
Waste Grant Applications Accepted Jan. 2 to Feb. 13 for 6-Month Grant Term
Press Releases
Dec. 4, 2018 -- NDEQ has revised the grant period for the next round of Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive (WRR) grants. The next round of WRR grants, which are typically awarded for a 12-month fiscal year period, will instead be awarded for a six-month period, from July 1 to December 31, 2019. This is part of an effort to ensure all waste grant programs will be distributed on a calendar year basis, starting in 2020. WRR grant applications for the last half of 2019 will be accepted between January 2 and February 13, 2019.
Voluntary Cleanup Efforts at Lincoln Haymarket Recognized
Press Releases
Officials from the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality praised the cleanup efforts at Lincoln’s Haymarket District during a recent Haymarket Celebration event.
NDEE now accepting applications for Private Well Reverse Osmosis Rebate Program through March 31, 2023
Press Releases
The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) is now accepting applications for the Private Well Reverse Osmosis Rebate Program.
NDEE will administer $1.2 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds through rebates for private well reverse osmosis systems, which is part of a larger $4 million ARPA initiative administered by NDEE as authorized under LB 1014e Section 51.
All About NDEE: Point-of-use water systems
Press Releases
The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) ensures that public water consumers have safe drinking water that meets all state and federal standards. Private drinking water wells, however, are not regulated by NDEE, and some could contain harmful levels of contaminants.
NDEE clarifies Private Well Reverse Osmosis Rebate Program process
Press Releases
The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has received significant interest and feedback in the Private Well Reverse Osmosis Rebate Program, which is available to private well owners with drinking water test levels above 10 parts per million of nitrate. The department would like to offer the following clarifications regarding the program’s requirements:
All About NDEE: Section 319 funds and groundwater projects
Press Releases
Federal nonpoint source pollution funds can be used to support projects that address nonpoint source contamination of groundwater, but it wasn’t always a simple process. The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy was integral in justifying the use these funds for groundwater projects by proving the connection between surface water and groundwater quality.
NDEE to Provide Rebates for Replacing Diesel Irrigation Engines
Press Releases
Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) Director Jim Macy announced on February 3, 2023 that the 2022 Nebraska Clean Diesel Program is awarding approximately $325,000 in rebates to seventeen farmers across the state to aid in the replacement of diesel irrigation engines with electric motors.
$7.7 Million Awarded to Waste and Litter Reduction, Recycling, and Scrap Tire Grants
Press Releases
LINCOLN, Neb. — Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy Director Jim Macy announced on February 6, 2023 the award of $7,733,191.25 in grants to support 140 projects across the state. These grants will help fund litter and waste reduction projects, recycling programs, and pay costs for scrap tire cleanups and collections for household hazardous waste, electronic waste, and pharmaceuticals.