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Rebates Available for Diesel School Bus Replacements
Press Releases

NDEQ has announced plans to allocate 25% of Nebraska’s Volkswagen State Trust funds, or approximately $3 million, to provide rebates to replace diesel school buses. These funds will be allocated over the next two to five years. Schools across the state are being notified that the first round of applications are now being accepted, and must be received by Aug. 3, 2018 to be considered for reimbursement. NDEQ anticipates awarding 24 school bus rebates during the first year of this program. NDEQ may adjust the number of rebate awards based on the number of applications received.

$1.6 Million Awarded For Tire Collection, Recycling Projects
Press Releases

Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Director Jim Macy announced today that the state is awarding $1.59 million to support 106 tire recycling and cleanup projects across the state. The Department received nearly $2.2 million in eligible grant requests.

"The agency received many outstanding applications from across the state,” Macy said. “These funds will provide needed support to local efforts which effectively deal with scrap tires in Nebraska.”

Health Alerts Issued for Kirkman’s Cove in Richardson County and Maple Creek Recreation Area Lake in Colfax County
Press Releases

The state has issued a health alert for harmful algal blooms, also known as toxic blue-green algae, at Kirkman’s Cove in Richardson County and Maple Creek Recreation Area Lake in Colfax County. Weekly sampling has been conducted at 52 public lakes since the beginning of May.

Health Alert Issued for Rockford Lake; Alerts Continue at Holmes Lake, Maple Creek Lake
Press Releases

The state has issued a new health alert for harmful algal blooms, also known as toxic blue-green algae, at Rockford Lake in Gage County. Alerts continue at Holmes Lake in Lincoln, and Maple Creek Recreation Area Lake in Colfax County. An alert has ended at Kirkman’s Cove in Richardson County.