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NDEQ to Propose Pesticides Permit-by-Rule Provision in Title 119
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality is proposing a Permit-by-Rule provision for pesticides as a new chapter in Title 119 -- Rules And Regulations Pertaining To The Issuance Of Permits Under The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. The proposed changes to Title 119 are currently in draft form and will be presented to the Environmental Quality Council at their quarterly meeting scheduled December 1 and 2, 2010.

$2.5 Million Awarded to Recycling, Litter Programs
Press Releases

Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Director Jim Macy has announced the awarding of $2,491,087 in 57 grants for litter cleanup, recycling, and public education programs and activities. Funds for the Litter Reduction and Recycling Grant Program are generated from a fee charged to certain manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of products that commonly contribute to litter. The program has been providing grants annually since 1979.

NDEQ Hosts Four Meetings to Discuss Waste Grants Process
Press Releases

February 1, 2011 is the deadline to apply for 2011 Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive Grants. Four meetings have been set to inform the public about new application forms, electronic submittal of applications, and the new scoring system used to rank applications. Private entities, non-profit organizations, and political subdivisions can apply for waste reduction grants.

Locations, dates and times of the meetings are:

Lincoln -- November 30, 2010, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. at the WasteCap Nebraska Office, 285 S. 68th St. Place, Suite 540

Sandpit Lake Management Workshops Scheduled in March
Press Releases

Nebraska Extension, the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, and Game and Parks again have partnered to offer a series of pond and lake management introductory workshops. These workshops are free and open to everyone who makes decisions for and about lakes and ponds or anyone who wants to learn more about protecting them. All 2017 workshops are focused on sandpit lakes.

There is no cost to attend these workshops, but reservations are required. The workshops will be held from 6-8 p.m. as follows:

RCRA Program Authorized to Administer Corrective Action Program
Press Releases

On January 17, 2017, EPA authorized NDEQ to administer the RCRA (hazardous waste) Corrective Action Program. Until now, final decisions concerning site-wide cleanup were the responsibility of EPA; now NDEQ has been given this final decision-making authority. Waste Management Section Supervisor Bill Gidley said that the program is fully prepared to assume these additional responsibilities, and that the changes will be beneficial for the agency, EPA, and those regulated under the RCRA program.

Nebraska Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel to Meet March 2
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality will be coordinating the annual meeting of the Nebraska Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel. The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 2, 2017 at 9:00 a.m., in Room 424 of the NDEQ office at 1200 N Street, Lincoln. For additional information, please see the meeting agenda below, or contact Ryan Green, NDEQ Small Business and Public Assistance Coordinator, at 402-471-8697.

New Waste Grant Forms Now On-Line, Applications Due Feb. 1
Press Releases

February 1, 2011 is the deadline to apply for 2011 Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive Grants. This year, the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality has developed new forms which can be filled out and submitted as an e-mail attachment. NDEQ has also developed new ranking systems for both the Waste Reduction and Recycling grants, and the new Deconstruction of Abandoned Buildings grants.

Below are links to waste grant program information and the new applications: