Students Invited to Submit Calendar Contest Entries
Press Releases
March 10, 2011 -- The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality has sent invitations to schools across the state, seeking students’ entries for the 2012 “Nebraska: Don’t Waste It” environmental calendar. The contest is open to all Nebraska students from grades K through 12, and the submission deadline is April 15, 2011.
Two Meetings Scheduled to Discuss VW Settlement Funds
Press Releases
Two meetings have been scheduled in mid-October to invite public discussion of the development of a plan to use funds allocated to the state from the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust. Meetings will be held Oct. 16 in Lincoln and Oct. 18 in North Platte.
NDEQ Invites Comments on Air Permit Conditions I and II
Press Releases
Oct. 3, 2017 -- NDEQ is restructuring and standardizing Conditions I and II in air quality construction permits (CP), air quality operating permits (OP), and the accompanying fact sheets. These changes are intended to unify permit conditions and streamline the CP and OP permitting processes. The draft restructured conditions and fact sheet language can be found at the bottom of this webpage.
Stream Biological Monitoring Report On Line
Press Releases
March 16, 2011 -- The Stream Biological Monitoring Program 2004-2008 Technical Report is now posted on NDEQ’s web site. It is located in Publications/Surface Water Monitoring Program/Reports, or the direct URL is:
Environmental Update Meeting Scheduled May 3 in Lincoln
Press Releases
Updated information, May 5 -- The presentations made on May 3 are now on this web site. Go to:
Drinking Water Protection Grant Proposals Invited
Press Releases
The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) is inviting proposals for drinking water protection projects. Approximately $100,000 in grant funding is available to political subdivisions in Nebraska that operate a public water system serving a population of 10,000 or less.
NDEQ Postpones Action on General Pesticide Permit
Press Releases
April 8, 2011 – Although the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality had developed a proposed Pesticide General Permit and conducted a public hearing on the issue on March 22, 2011, the agency has decided to delay issuance of the permit, based on a deadline extension that was recently granted to the EPA.
May 10 Information Session Will Focus on West Haymarket Cleanup Activities
Press Releases
The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality will host a public information session from 5-7 p.m. May 10 at the Lancaster County Extension Offices located at 444 Cherrycreek Road. The purpose of the information session will be to discuss environmental cleanup work at the West Haymarket Redevelopment Site North.
Presentations from May 3 Environmental Update Meeting
Press Releases
On May 3, 2011, NDEQ hosted the annual Environmental Update meeting, which was attended by approximately 200 business and community representatives. Presentations on a variety of environmental topics were made by staff from NDEQ, as well as Nebraska Game and Parks and the U.S. EPA.
Following are PDF copies of the Powerpoint slides that were part of the presentations made at the Environmental Update:
Hearing Scheduled June 22 in Crawford for Proposed Crow Butte Permit
Press Releases
The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality has scheduled a comment period and public hearing regarding a proposed Class III Underground Injection Control Permit submitted by Crow Butte Resources Inc. This permit is associated with a proposed expansion area for the Crow Butte uranium mining facility, in an area north of Crawford that is referred to as North Trend (see map below).