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Improvements to Lake Ogallala planned for this fall
Press Releases

Starting in late September, visitors to Lake Ogallala will see some big changes taking place, including channelization work which will improve trout and other fish habitat. During this renovation period, (through late November, and resuming in February and March) water levels at the lake will be significantly lower, and recreational opportunities may be temporarily affected.

NDEQ Announces First Round of Grant Recipients Under the ARRA Clean Diesel Program
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality today is announcing the recipients of over $1.1 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grants. These grants are being allocated across the state for projects that reduce diesel emissions through a federal program called the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA).

Improvements to Lake Ogallala completed ahead of schedule
Press Releases

Major renovation work to improve circulation at Lake Ogallala has been mostly completed, well ahead of the predicted completion schedule of next Spring.

The renovation is designed to improve circulation at the lake, which is one of the state’s premier trout fisheries. The only work remaining is the planting of wetland grasses and other plants, which will likely be completed in March, 2010.

$1.9 Million Awarded to Recycling, Litter Programs
Press Releases

Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Director Mike Linder has announced the awarding of $1,890,250 in 67 grants for litter cleanup, recycling, and public education programs and activities. Funds for the Litter Reduction and Recycling Grant Program are generated from a fee charged to certain manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of products that commonly contribute to litter.

$1 Million Awarded For Tire Collection, Recycling Projects
Press Releases

Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Director Mike Linder announced today that the state is awarding $1 million to support 52 tire recycling and cleanup projects across the state.

"Nebraskans pay a $1 fee for every new tire they purchase," said Linder. "These grants put that money into use locally to help manage scrap tires. We like to see the highest possible beneficial use of these old tires, and these projects help us reach that goal."

Environmental Update Meeting Scheduled June 23 in Lincoln
Press Releases

The Department of Environmental Quality will be holding its annual Environmental Update, (formerly known as Consultants Day) on June 23, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Lancaster County Extension Office, 444 Cherry Creek Road, Lincoln. Representatives from businesses and industries are invited to attend, ask questions, pick up new information, and provide feedback. If you plan on attending, please complete the registration form which is attached to the agenda below. There is a $10 registration fee.

(See attached file: 2010 Environmental Update Agenda.pdf)

Information Session in Grand Island to Provide Update on Groundwater Issues
Press Releases

Representatives from the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the City of Grand Island are planning an information session on June 23 to meet with the public and present information regarding groundwater issues in the east Grand Island area. The information session will be held at the Grand Island City Hall, 100 E. First Street.

Grant Funds Available for Source Water Protection Projects
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) is inviting proposals for source water protection projects. Approximately $100,000 in grant funding is available to political subdivisions that operate a public water system serving a population of 10,000 or less.

Assistance has been available since 2003, when money set aside from the State Revolving Loan Fund became available to provide grants for source water protection projects. Most source water protection activities that address drinking water quality, quantity, security, and/or education are eligible for grant funding.

Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel meets June 29 in Columbus
Press Releases

The Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel, as provided in Nebraska Revised Statute 81-1505.03, will meet in open session at 10:30 a..m. June 29th at Duster's, 2804 13th St., Columbus.

A current agenda for the meeting will be kept at the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality. Contact Joe Francis at (402) 471-6974 with questions regarding the meeting or if special accommodations or alternate format of materials are needed. TDD users call 711 and ask the relay operator to call (402) 471-2186.

Below is a copy of the meeting agenda:
