2015 Source Water Project Descriptions
Coleridge – 2015-43967607
Coleridge Source Water Protection, Education and Conservation Project
Develop a NDEE approved Wellhead Protection Plan with all the required elements in addition to conducting an assessment of the community’s water usage, water quality, and current conservation efforts. Activities that promote water conservation and source water protection will be developed.
Gresham – 2015-43965248
Public Water Supply Well Decommissioning
Decommission an unused municipal well. The well has been listed as emergency use only because nitrate levels above drinking water standards. The community will use the well decommissioning as an educational activity to promote well abandonment among local property owners.
Hebron – 2015-43967587
Searching for Suitable Drinking Water Source
Develop an aquifer vulnerability assessment and update existing Wellhead Protection Plan. Install dedicated monitoring wells. A community workshop on best management practices for lawns and cropland will be held in conjunction with UNL Extension and NRD staff.
Wilber – 2015-43967620
City of Wilber Groundwater Quality Implementation Project
Develop a nitrate reduction program that includes row crop conversion to alfalfa, spring fertilizer application incentive, agronomic soil sampling, and producer education workshop. Purchase water level measuring equipment, dedicated level logger, and pump for monitoring well. Collection of groundwater quality data through irrigation well sampling and develop a detailed vulnerability assessment.