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U.S. Fertilizer Price Index

The annual price index for fertilizer in the United States is listed below. For historical prices, please see the Average Annual Fertilizer Prices in the Northern Plains Region 1990 - 2014 report.

Fertilizer Price Index
(2011 = 100)

Year. . . . . .Paid Year. . . . . .Paid Year. . . . . .Paid Year. . . . . .Paid
1990. . . . . .29.6 2000. . . . . .33.5 2010. . . . . .76.8 2020. . . . . .62.4
1991. . . . . .31.2 2001. . . . . .37.4 2011. . . . . .100.0 2021. . . . . .64.8
1992. . . . . .30.4 2002. . . . . .32.8 2012. . . . . .101.4 2022. . . . . .70.0
1993. . . . . .29.2 2003. . . . . .37.7 2013. . . . . .96.7 2023. . . . . .NA
1994. . . . . .32.1 2004. . . . . .42.7 2014. . . . . .94.5 2024. . . . . .NA
1995. . . . . .36.9 2005. . . . . .49.9 2015. . . . . .87.2 2025. . . . . .NA
1996. . . . . .38.0 2006. . . . . .53.5 2016. . . . . .71.8 2026. . . . . .NA
1997. . . . . .36.8 2007. . . . . .65.6 2017. . . . . .66.2 2027. . . . . .NA
1998. . . . . .34.2 2008. . . . . .119.2 2018. . . . . .66.7 2028. . . . . .NA
1999. . . . . .31.9 2009. . . . . .83.8 2019. . . . . .74.2 2029. . . . . .NA

Sources: "Fertilizer Use and Price". United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. (1990–2018); "Price of Fertilizer". IBISWorld. (2019–Present); Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, Lincoln, NE.

Note: NA = Data is not available.