"L" Conversion/Equivalency Factors
Original Unit | Multiplied By | Conversion Factor | Equals | Final Unit |
leagues | x | 3 | = | miles (approximately) |
light–years | x | 63,239.70 | = | astronomical units |
light–years | x | 9,460,730,000,000 | = | kilometers (km) |
light–years | x | 5,900,000,000,000 | = | miles (mi) |
lines/square centimeter | x | 1 | = | gausses |
lines/square inch | x | 0.155 | = | gausses |
lines/square inch | x | 1.55E–09 | = | webers/square centimeter |
lines/square inch | x | 1.0E–08 | = | webers/square inch |
lines/square inch | x | 1.55E–05 | = | webers/square meter |
links (engineer's) | x | 12 | = | inches (in) |
links (surveyor's) | x | 7.92 | = | inches (in) |
liters (L) | x | 0.008 4 | = | barrels |
liters (L) | x | 0.006 3 | = | barrels of petroleum |
liters (L) | x | 0.02 | = | bushels, US dry |
liters (L) | x | 100 | = | centiliters (cL) |
liters (L) | x | 1,000 | = | cubic centimeters (cm3) |
liters (L) | x | 0.03 | = | cubic feet (ft3 or cf) |
liters (L) | x | 61.02 | = | cubic inches (in3) |
liters (L) | x | 1.0E–03 | = | cubic meters (m3) |
liters (L) | x | 1.31E–03 | = | cubic yards (yd3) |
liters (L) | x | 10 | = | deciliters (dL) |
liters (L) | x | 0.264 2 | = | gallons, US liquid |
liters (L) | x | 1.1E–03 | = | kiloliters (kL) |
liters (L) | x | 1,000 | = | milliliters (mL) |
liters (L) | x | 2.11 | = | pints, US liquid |
liters (L) | x | 1.05 | = | quarts, US liquid |
liters/minute | x | 5.89E–04 | = | cubic feet/second |
liters/minute | x | 4.4E–03 | = | gallons/second |
long tons | x | 1,016.047 | = | kilograms (kg) |
long tons | x | 1.016 047 | = | metric tons (t) |
long tons | x | 2,240 a | = | pounds (lb) |
long tons | x | 1.12 | = | short tons (st) |
lumens (lm) | x | 0.079 58 | = | spherical candle power |
lumens (lm) | x | 1.496E–03 | = | watts (W) |
lumens/square foot | x | 1 | = | foot–candles |
lumens/square foot | x | 10.76 | = | lumens/square meter |
lux | x | 0.09 | = | foot–candles |
a Exact conversion.
b Calculated by the Energy Information Administration.
c Estimated.
This table was last updated January 31, 2014.