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Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations - Subpart RR

NSPS Notebook

Pressure Sensitive Tape and Label Surface Coating Operations - Subpart RR


eCFR Subpart RR []

This subpart applies to:

  1. Coating lines used in the manufacture of pressure sensitive tape and label materials that are constructed, modified, or reconstructed after Dec 30, 1980.

Coating lines that input 45 Mg (50 tons) of VOC or less to the coating process per 12 month period are not subject to VOC emission limits, but are subject to all other requirements of this subpart

Date of Original Final Rule
Amendments Dates

10/17/2000 Amendments
12/13/1990 Amendments
10/18/1983 Final Rule

State Regulations

Title 129, Chapter 12, Section 001.46

Previously: Chapter 18, Section 001.41

Federal Regulations
40 CFR 60.440
Related Rules

NSPS - 40 CFR Part 60

Subpart QQ - Graphic arts industry: publication rotogravure printing
Subpart FFF - Flexible vinyl and urethane coating and printing
Subpart TTT - Plastic parts for business machines coating
Subpart VVV - Polymeric coating of supporting substrates


NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 63

Subpart KK - Printing & publishing
Subpart JJJJ - Paper & other web coating
Subpart OOOO - Printing, coating, & dyeing of fabrics & textiles
Subpart PPPP - Plastic parts and products coating

Regulations and Federal Registers

eCFR Subpart RR []

FAQ's, Fact Sheets, and Rules Summaries
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