Plastic Parts & Products Surface Coating
Air Toxics Notebook
Plastic Parts & Products Surface Coating
eCFR Subpart PPPP []
Applies to major source of HAP that operates a plastic parts surface coating facility and uses 100 gallons or more of HAP coatings per year.
Facility ID | Name | Facility |
723 | A-1 Fiberglass | Hastings |
38719 | BD Medical | Columbus |
04/24/2007 - Direct Final Rule
12/22/2006 - Direct Final Rule
04/26/2004 - Final Rule
As of September 28, 2022: Title 129, Chapter 13, Section 002.68
Previously: Chapter 28, Section 001.85.
Sources are also responsible for ensuring they are in compliance with current federal requirements found for this subpart in the CFR.
NSPS – 40 CFR Part 60
Subpart EE - Metal Furniture Surface Coating
Subpart MM – Auto and Light-Duty Truck Surface Coating Operations
Subpart SS - Large Appliance Surface Coating
Subpart TT - Metal Coil Coating
Subpart WW - Beverage Can Surface Coating
Subpart TTT - Plastic Parts and Business Machines Surface Coating
NESHAP – 40 CFR Part 63
Subpart MMMM - Miscellaneous Metal Parts Surface Coating
Subpart GG - Aerospace Manufacturing
Subpart NNNN - Large Appliances Surface Coating
Subpart SSSS - Metal Coil Surface Coating
Subpart RRRR - Metal Furniture Surface Coating
Subpart KKKK - Metal Can Surface Coating
Subpart WWWW - Reinforced Plastic Composites Manufacturing
Subpart IIII – Auto and Light Duty Truck Surface Coating
Subpart HHHHHH - Paint Stripping and Misc. Surface Coating (Area Sources)
eCFR Subpart PPPP []
EPA's Subpart PPPP Website [] - contains federal register notices and implementation tools
36 KB | 4P - EPA Brochure.pdf |