Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet-Process Phosphoric Acid Plants - Subpart T
NSPS Notebook
Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: Wet-Process Phosphoric Acid Plants - Subpart T
eCFR Subpart T []
This subpart applies to:
- Wet-process phosphoric acid plants with a design capacity of more than 15 tons of equivalent P2O5 feed per calendar day; and that commence construction or modification after Oct 22, 1974.
Standard applies to fluorides.
Date of Original Final Rule
Amendments Dates
08/19/2015 (80 FR 50432)
10/17/2000 (65 FR 61744)
02/14/1989 (54 FR 6669)
02/17/1983 (48 FR 7129)
07/25/1977 (42 FR 37937)
State Regulations
Title 129, Chapter 12, Section 001.29
Previously: Chapter 18, Section 001.37
Federal Regulations
40 CFR 60.200
Related Rules
NSPS - 40 CFR Part 60
Subparts U, V, W and X - Phosphate fertilizer industry
NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 63
Subpart BB - Phosphate fertilizer production
Subpart MMM - Pesticide active ingredient production
Regulations and Federal Registers
eCFR Subpart T []
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