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Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units - Subpart Db

NSPS Notebook

Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units - Subpart Db


eCFR Subpart Db []

This subpart applies to:

  1. Steam generating units that commence construction, modification, or reconstruction after June 19, 1984; and have a heat input capacity from fuels combusted in the steam generating unit of more than 29 MW (100 MMbtu/hr).

Not subject to this subpart:

  1. Steam generating units subject to NSPS Da.
  2. Heat recovery steam generators associated with stationary combustion turbines that are subject to NSPS KKKK.
  3. Any units subject to NSPS Cb, Ea, Eb, AAAA, BBBB, or CCCC.
  4. Any change to an existing unit for the sole purpose of combusting gases containing total reduced sulfur (TRS) is not considered a modification and is not subject to this subpart.
  5. Temporary boilers are not subject to this subpart.
Date of Original Final Rule
Amendments Dates

02/27/2014 (79 FR 11227)
02/16/2012 (77 FR 9303)
01/20/2011 (76 FR 3517)
01/28/2009 (74 FR 5072)
06/13/2007 (72 FR 32710)
02/27/2006 (71 FR 9866)
07/07/2004 (69 FR 40770)
10/01/2001 (66 FR 49830)
04/10/2001 (66 FR 18546)
10/17/2000 (65 FR 61744)
03/13/2000 (65 FR 13243)
02/12/1999 (64 FR 7464)
09/16/1998 (63 FR 49454)
10/08/1997 (62 FR 52641)
03/29/1996 (61 FR 14031)
05/30/1995 (60 FR 28062)
05/07/1990 (55 FR 18876)
02/14/1990 (55 FR 5212)
12/18/1989 (54 FR 51819)

State Regulations

Title 129, Chapter 12, Section 001.04

Previously: Title 129, Chapter 18, Section 001.22 (as amended as of 7/1/2009)

Federal Regulations
40 CFR 60.40b
Related Rules

NSPS - 40 CFR Part 60

Subparts D, Da, & Dc - Steam Generating Units
Subparts J and Ja - Petroleum Refineries
Subparts Cb, Ea, Eb, AAAA, BBBB - Municipal Waste Combustors
Subpart CCCC - Commercial/Industrial Solid Waste Incinerators
Subpart KKKK - Stationary Combustion Turbines


NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 63

Subpart DDDDD - Major Source Boilers & Process Heaters
Subpart JJJJJJ - Area Source Boilers
Subpart UUUUU - Electric Utilities

FAQ's, Fact Sheets, and Rules Summaries

EPA's Boiler Website [] - contains federal register notices and technical information

EPA Sponsored Combustion Portal [] - Federal & state compliance information & sustainability content for combustion processes

Rule Flowchart - Texas CEQ []

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