Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units - Subpart Db
NSPS Notebook
Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units - Subpart Db
eCFR Subpart Db []
This subpart applies to:
- Steam generating units that commence construction, modification, or reconstruction after June 19, 1984; and have a heat input capacity from fuels combusted in the steam generating unit of more than 29 MW (100 MMbtu/hr).
Not subject to this subpart:
- Steam generating units subject to NSPS Da.
- Heat recovery steam generators associated with stationary combustion turbines that are subject to NSPS KKKK.
- Any units subject to NSPS Cb, Ea, Eb, AAAA, BBBB, or CCCC.
- Any change to an existing unit for the sole purpose of combusting gases containing total reduced sulfur (TRS) is not considered a modification and is not subject to this subpart.
- Temporary boilers are not subject to this subpart.
02/27/2014 (79 FR 11227)
02/16/2012 (77 FR 9303)
01/20/2011 (76 FR 3517)
01/28/2009 (74 FR 5072)
06/13/2007 (72 FR 32710)
02/27/2006 (71 FR 9866)
07/07/2004 (69 FR 40770)
10/01/2001 (66 FR 49830)
04/10/2001 (66 FR 18546)
10/17/2000 (65 FR 61744)
03/13/2000 (65 FR 13243)
02/12/1999 (64 FR 7464)
09/16/1998 (63 FR 49454)
10/08/1997 (62 FR 52641)
03/29/1996 (61 FR 14031)
05/30/1995 (60 FR 28062)
05/07/1990 (55 FR 18876)
02/14/1990 (55 FR 5212)
12/18/1989 (54 FR 51819)
Title 129, Chapter 12, Section 001.04
Previously: Title 129, Chapter 18, Section 001.22 (as amended as of 7/1/2009)
NSPS - 40 CFR Part 60
Subparts D, Da, & Dc - Steam Generating Units
Subparts J and Ja - Petroleum Refineries
Subparts Cb, Ea, Eb, AAAA, BBBB - Municipal Waste Combustors
Subpart CCCC - Commercial/Industrial Solid Waste Incinerators
Subpart KKKK - Stationary Combustion Turbines
NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 63
Subpart DDDDD - Major Source Boilers & Process Heaters
Subpart JJJJJJ - Area Source Boilers
Subpart UUUUU - Electric Utilities
EPA's Boiler Website [] - contains federal register notices and technical information
EPA Sponsored Combustion Portal [] - Federal & state compliance information & sustainability content for combustion processes
Rule Flowchart - Texas CEQ []