Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units - Subpart CCCC
NSPS Notebook
Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units - Subpart CCCC
eCFR Subpart CCCC []
This subpart applies to:
- Commercial/industrial solid waste incineration (CISWI) units that commence construction after June 4, 2010;
- CISWI units that commence modification or reconstruction after August 7, 2013.
Changes made to CISWI units to comply primarily with NSPS DDDD do not qualify as reconstruction or modification.
Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration (CISWI) Unit:
- Any distinct operating unit of any commercial or industrial facility that combusts, or has combusted in the preceding 6 months, any solid waste as defined in 40 CFR Part 241.
- Includes, but is not limited to, the solid waste feed system, grate system, flue gas system, waste heat recovery equipment, and bottom ash system.
- Does not include air pollution control equipment or the stack.
Solid Waste Definition:
- Any garbage, or refuse, sludge from a wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility and other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial, commercial, mining, and agricultural operations, and from community activities.
- Does not include solid or dissolved materials in domestic sewage, or solid or dissolved materials in irrigation return flows or industrial discharges that are permitted point sources.
Not subject to this subpart*:
- Pathological waste incineration units that burn ≥ 90% by weight of pathological waste, low-level radioactive waste, and/or chemotherapeutic waste;
- Municipal waste combustion units subject to NSPS Cb, Ea, Eb, AAAA, or BBBB;
- Medical waste incineration units subject to NSPS Ce or Ec;
- Small power production facilities;
- Cogeneration facilities;
- Hazardous waste combustion units required to get a permit under section 3005 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act;
- Materials recovery units (e.g. primary & secondary smelters);
- Air curtain incinerators that burn only 100% wood waste, clean lumber, and/or yard waste;
- Sewage treatment plants subject to NSPS O;
- Sewage sludge incinerators subject to NSPS LLLL or MMMM;
- Other solid waste incineration units subject to NSPS EEEE or FFFF.
Partially Exempt*:
- Air curtain incinerators that burn only 100% wood waste, clean lumber, and/or yard waste.
*Certain rule requirements, including notification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements may still apply, and may be required for exemption (per 40 CFR 60.2020). Please see rule text for full details.
02/07/2013 (78 FR 9178)
03/21/2011 (76 FR 15750)
Title 129, Chapter 12, Section 001.76
Previously: Chapter 18, Section 001.69
NSPS - 40 CFR Part 60
Subpart DDDD - Existing Commercial/industrial solid waste incinerators (CISWI)
Subpart E - Incinerators
Subparts Cb, Ea, Eb, AAAA, & BBBB - Municipal Waste Combustors (MWC)
Subparts Ce & Ec - Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators (HMIWI)
Subpart O - Sewage Treatment Plants
Subparts LLLL & MMMM - Sewage Sludge Incinerators (SSI)
Subparts EEEE & FFFF - Other Solid Waste Incinerators (OSWI)
NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 63
Subpart EEE - Hazardous Waste Combustors
Subpart LLL - Portland Cement
Subpart DDDDD - Boilers & Process Heaters - major sources
Subpart JJJJJJ - Boilers - area sources
eCFR Subpart CCCC []
EPA's CISWI Website [] - contains federal register notices and technical information
EPA Sponsored Combustion Portal [] - Federal & state compliance information & sustainability content for combustion processes