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Nebraska Weekly Prices for Gasoline and Diesel


Regular Unleaded Gasoline Prices for the Week of January 24, 2025

(Price per Gallon)

 ColumbusGrand IslandKearneyLincolnNorfolkNorth PlatteOmahaState
Weekly Average











Diesel Prices for the Week of January 24, 2025

(Price per Gallon)

 ColumbusGrand IslandKearneyLincolnNorfolkNorth PlatteOmahaState
Weekly Average










Source: Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, Lincoln, NE.

Notes: The average may not equal the average of the components due to independent rounding. NA indicates that data is not available.

Regular unleaded gasoline is regular unleaded motor gasoline with an 87 to 88 octane. Diesel fuel is fuel used for internal combustion in diesel engines. Ultra–low sulfur diesel fuel has sulfur levels of 15 ppm and less.

Average gasoline prices for each monthaverage diesel prices for each month, and historical weekly prices are available for diesel and three grades of motor gasoline.

A general rule of thumb: For every $1 in the price of a barrel of crude oil, gasoline’s price at the pump will be about 4 cents a gallon. So if crude oil’s price is $70 per barrel, gasoline will be about $2.80 per gallon at the pump. To continue this line of thinking:

  • A crude oil price of $25/barrel would be about $1/gallon gasoline price at the pump.
  • A crude oil price of $50/barrel would be about $2/gallon gasoline price at the pump.
  • A crude oil price of $75/barrel would be about $3/gallon gasoline price at the pump.