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Draft and Proposed Rules and Regulations

Tracking Status of Pending Regulations

Regulations that have been approved by the Environmental Quality Council, but are still pending final approval by the Attorney General's Office and/or the Governor's Office, are tracked on the Nebraska Secretary of State's web site. To view the status of pending regulations, click on the link below:

Nebraska's Secretary of State
Proposed Rules and Regulations Docket


Preliminary Drafts

The Following proposed draft revisions are available for the public review and input, but are not yet finalized and have not been placed on public notice for a hearing.

Title Number
Title Name
Tentative EQC Meeting Date
No active Preliminary Drafts
Proposed Rules

These rules have been placed on public notice and will be heard before the EQC on the date listed below.

Title Number
Title Name
EQC Meeting Date
No active Proposed Rule
Adopted by EQC

The rules and regulations below have been adopted by the EQC, but are still pending final approval by the Attorney General's Office and/or the Governor's Office.

Title Number
Title Name
EQC Meeting Date
No active Adopted by EQC