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“Nebraska: Don’t Waste It” Calendars Now Available
Press Releases

November 13, 2013 -- The 2014 “Nebraska: Don’t Waste It” calendars, featuring artwork of 13 students from across the state, are now available through the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality. Copies of the calendar are available by contacting NDEQ at P.O. Box 98922, Lincoln, NE 68509-8922, or by sending an e-mail request to .

NDEE Presents State and Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS) Training Webinar November 18
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy will use a new online air emissions reporting system for the 2019 reporting year. The new application is the State and Local Emissions Inventory System, more commonly referred to as SLEIS. Instruction will be provided for user registration, general program navigation, data entry and submission.

Sanitizing wipes are not flushable
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy’s Wastewater Division would like to remind people that sanitizing wipes, baby wipes and even “flushable” wipes are not flushable — regardless what the product states.

Flushed wipes cause sewer system blockages, resulting in overflows from manholes and basement backups. This can lead to expensive repairs and damage to your municipal systems or homes.

Please throw sanitizing wipes in the trash.

Health Alert issued for Maple Creek and Kirkman’s Cove recreation area lakes
Press Releases

The state has issued a health alert for Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB), also known as toxic blue-green algae, at Maple Creek Recreation Area Lake in Colfax County and Kirkman’s Cove Lake in Richardson County. In addition, Wagon Train Lake in Lancaster County has been removed from the list of lakes under health alert.

All About NDEE: Drinking Water Watch
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) Drinking Water Program is dedicated to assisting public water systems in providing safe, reliable drinking water for their consumers.

From department engineers who approve construction projects, to field staff who inspect water systems, and water specialists who monitor water testing, the department ensures that public water consumers have drinking water that meets all state and federal standards.