Boat Manufacturing
Air Toxics Notebook
Boat Manufacturing
eCFR Subpart VVVV []
This subpart applies if you:
1. are the owner or operator of a boat manufacturing facility that builds fiber glass boats or aluminum recreated boats and
2. your boat manufacturing facility is a major source of HAP either in and of itself, or because it is collocated with other sources of HAP, such that all sources combined constitute a major source.
This subpart does not apply to:
1. aluminum coating operations on aluminum boats intended for commercial or military (nonrecreational) use
2. antifoulant coatings
3. assembly adhesives
4. fiberglass hull and deck coatings
5. research and development activities
6. mold sealing and release agents
7. mold stripping and cleaning solvents
8. wood coatings
9. materials contained in handheld aerosol cans.
11/12/2021 - Minor Technical Corrections
03/20/2020 - Final Risk and Technology Review Amendments
05/17/2019 - Proposed Risk and Technology Review Amendments
10/03/2001 - Final Rule; Correction
08/22/2001 - Final Rule
Title 129, Chapter 13, Section 002.74
Previously: Chapter 28, Section 001.57.
Sources are also responsible for ensuring they are in compliance with current federal requirements found for this subpart in the CFR.
NESHAP – 40 CFR Part 63
Subpart WWWW - Reinforced Plastic Composites
Subpart PPPP - Plastic Parts and Produces (surface coating)
Subpart MMMM - Misc Metal Parts and Products (surface coating)
EPA's Subpart VVVV Website [] - contains federal register notices and implementation tools
98 KB | 4V - EPA Brochure.pdf |
EPA's Boat Manufacturing NESHAP Website []