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Proposed Septic System Regulations to be Discussed at Four Meetings

Department of Environment and Energy


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Proposed Septic System Regulations to be Discussed at Four Meetings

October 25, 2011 -- The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality has scheduled public input meetings in four Nebraska communties to present a short summary of draft changes being considered and to receive comments regarding Title 124 – Rules and Regulations for the Design, Operation and Maintenance of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems. (For additional background and to view the proposed changes, go to: Proposed Septic Systems Rule Changes Available for Public Review.")

Dates and locations include:

Alliance -- November 29, 7 p.m. Community Rooms at Library, 1750 Sweetwater Ave.

North Platte -- November 30, 7 p.m. Mid Plains Community College North Campus, 1101 Halligan Drive, Room 202.

Norfolk -- December 6, 7 p.m. Lifelong Learning Center at NE Community College, 601 E. Benjamin. (Check display when arriving for room number.)

Lincoln -- December 7, 7 p.m. NDEQ Van Dorn facility, 2717 South 8th Street, Suite 4.

These regulations apply statewide. Onsite wastewater treatment systems include septic systems, household lagoons, holding tanks, and other storage and treatment systems not connected to a centralized sewer system. Following these meetings, the Department will prepare a final draft with the intention to bring proposed amendments before the Environmental Quality Council at a public hearing in the Spring of 2012.