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Proposed Septic System Rule Changes Available for Public Review

Department of Environment and Energy


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Proposed Septic System Rule Changes Available for Public Review

October 19, 2011 -- The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality has drafted proposed revisions to the rules that apply to septic systems and private lagoons, and is currently seeking comment from the public. After receiving input, NDEQ intends to prepare final draft proposed amendments to Title 124 – “Rules and Regulations for the Design, Operation and Maintenance of On-site Wastewater Systems,” which will then be placed on public notice for additional review and public comment. The proposed changes are intended to be brought before the Environmental Quality Council at a public hearing in the Spring of 2012.

These rules and regulations and proposed changes are provided for by the Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Contractors Certification and System Registration Act.

The draft proposed changes include:

  • Add definitions and revise existing definitions to clarify and update language.
  • New Mound System Endorsement for Master Installers who would qualify by passing an endorsement examination.
  • New minimum design criteria for endorsed mound system design.
  • New provision to allow a Master Installer to prepare plans and specifications for a permit application submitted for a system design not covered by “Authorization by Rule”. This new provision would not apply to:
    • applications dealing with setback problems
    • situations involving other than household type wastes, or
    • onsite systems that handle over 1,000 gallons of wastewater per day.
  • New late renewal process with a $50 late renewal penalty and 60 day window to allow late renewal once a certificate has expired (continuing education requirements still must be met prior to certificate expiration).
  • Eliminate prescribed forms. Required information for each application, registration or other needed submittal will be spelled out in the appropriate chapter, with an option to use a form provided by the Department.
  • Allow the use of qualified independent study programs for required continuing education.
  • Revise tank standards to reflect current practice.
  • Submittal date changed to actual date received by the Department.
  • Reduce by half the continuing education requirement for renewal of a new certificate obtained in the second year of the two-year certification cycle.
  • No changes are proposed to the existing fees for initial certification, certificate renewal, examination, system registration, or late system registration.

Below is a PDF copy of the initial proposed revisions:
(See attached file: T124V 10-3-11 b.pdf)
File Size 1518 KB

UPDATED INFORMATION: Four meetings scheduled

October 25, 2011 -- NDEQ has scheduled public input meetings in four Nebraska communties to present a short summary of draft changes being considered and to receive comments regarding Title 124 – Rules and Regulations for the Design, Operation and Maintenance of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems.

Dates and locations include:

Alliance -- November 29, 7 p.m. Community Rooms at Library, 1750 Sweetwater Ave.

North Platte -- November 30, 7 p.m. Mid Plains Community College North Campus, 1101 Halligan Drive, Room 202.

Norfolk -- December 6, 7 p.m. Lifelong Learning Center at NE Community College, 601 E. Benjamin. (Check display when arriving for room number.)

Lincoln -- December 7, 7 p.m. NDEQ Van Dorn facility, 2717 South 8th Street, Suite 4.

Attachment Size
T124V 10-3-11 b.pdf 1.48 MB