NDEE launches online AltEn public information portal
News Release
NDEE launches online AltEn public information portal
To provide a resource for the public and enhance transparency, the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy has created a new webpage for updates related to cleanup and mitigation efforts at the AltEn ethanol facility.
To access this information, visit https://dee.nebraska.gov/information-and-updates-alten-near-mead-nebraska or go to https://dee.nebraska.gov and click the link under the header “Information and Updates for AltEn near Mead, Nebraska.”
This online portal is designed to keep the Mead community, Saunders County residents and interested citizens informed about significant activities at AltEn. It includes updates on sampling efforts, administrative orders and press releases.
Those interested can also access the agency’s public records portal and search for AltEn’s facility number: 84069.