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Information and Updates for AltEn near Mead, Nebraska

Facility ID: 84069

Date last revised: December 17, 2024

This page is designed to keep the Mead community, Saunders County residents and interested citizens informed about significant activities related to the cleanup and mitigation actions at the AltEn ethanol facility.

Note: Older updates can be found below the Documents section.

AFRG provides plan to convert east treated water lagoon to stormwater retention –  December 17, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has received a plan from the AltEn Facility Response Group (AFRG) to convert the east treated water cell (lagoon) to store stormwater for treatment.

The plan can be found in NDEE’s public records portal in a document titled, “Construction and Design,” filed Dec. 5, 2024.

The AFRG states that the AltEn lagoon water treatment has been substantially completed. The west treated water lagoon will continue to hold treated wastewater and stormwater.

Work on this project is planned to begin in the spring of 2025. The AFRG must apply for a permit through Title 123 – Rules and Regulations for the Design, Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Works before restarting the wastewater treatment plant. 


NDEE approves wetcake RAPDecember 9, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has approved the AltEn Facility Response Group’s (AFRG) remedial action plan (RAP) for wetcake at the AltEn site.

The RAP describes the AFRG’s plan to continue on-site solidification of the wetcake for disposal at a permitted, off-site landfill.

The agency’s approval letter can be found on the public records portal in a document titled “Remedial Action Plan Approval,” filed Dec. 5, 2024.

Prior to approving the RAP, the plan was put on public notice to receive public comments. NDEE also held a public hearing Oct. 30, 2024, to hear testimony on the RAP. The agency reviewed the comments and testimony and provided a response summary. This summary was mailed to those who provided comments and is available on the public records portal with the RAP approval document: “Remedial Action Plan Approval,” filed Dec. 5, 2024.


NDEE receives AFRG’s northeast lagoon subsoil sample results – October 31, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has received results from soil samples collected beneath the northeast wastewater lagoon at the AltEn Facility.

Sample results can be found on the agency’s public records portal in a document titled “Sample Results,” field Oct. 30, 2024.

The AltEn Facility Response Group (AFRG) collected soil samples to determine the migration potential of pesticides from the northeast lagoon and compare it to sample results from the northwest lagoon. The data will also be used to refine site-specific soil screening levels for groundwater protection.

The AFRG collected soil samples from July 16-18, 2024. More information on this soil sampling effort can be found in the July 16, 2024, update.


Public hearing, info session scheduled for wetcake RAP - September 27, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) proposes to approve the AltEn Facility Response Group’s (AFRG) wetcake remedial action plan (RAP). The RAP is on public notice and is open to public comment and NDEE has scheduled a public hearing for 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 30, in the Mead High School gym.

Prior to the hearing, NDEE will hold an information session on the wetcake RAP at 5 p.m. at Mead High School.

The proposed wetcake RAP describes the FRG’s plan to continue on-site solidification of the wetcake for disposal at a permitted, off-site landfill. The proposed RAP is available for review on NDEE’s public records portal in a document titled “Remedial Action Work Plan,” filed Aug. 23, 2024.

The public may submit written comments on the wetcake RAP on or before Oct. 28, 2024, or testify or provide written comment at the Oct. 30 public hearing.

Comments should be mailed to:

Tom Buell
Monitoring & Remediation Division
Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy
PO Box 98922
Lincoln, NE 68509-8922

Written comments may also be sent via email to:


NDEE, AFRG sign amended Memorandum of Agreement - September 10, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) and the AltEn Facility Response Group (AFRG) have signed an amended memorandum of agreement (MOA), which outlines expectations as the AFRG continues cleaning up the AltEn site through the state’s Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP).

Through the amended MOA, the AFRG has committed to submitting remedial action plans for lagoon solids, groundwater, and on-site soils. The agreement also provides deadlines for submitting these plans. In addition, NDEE and the AFRG agree to work together in good faith to design and complete an off-site environmental investigation and use the investigation findings to determine if an off-site RAP is necessary.

The MOA is available on NDEE’s public records portal in a document titled “Memorandum of Agreement (MOA),” filed Sept. 10, 2024.

The AFRG is made up of six seed companies: AgReliant Genetics, LLC; Bayer U.S., LLC; Beck’s Superior Hybrids, Inc.; Corteva Agriscience, LLC; Syngenta Seeds, LLC; and WinField Solutions, LLC. The group first joined the VCP in June 2021. The amended MOA supersedes the previous MOA between NDEE and AFRG dated June 30, 2021.


NDEE approves sites for fall 2024 land application - September 3, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has approved 14 sites for land application of treated wastewater from the AltEn facility.

The AltEn Facility Response Group (AFRG) is authorized to begin applying treated wastewater on these sites. NDEE has directed the AFRG to apply the treated wastewater according to the land’s nutrient budget, at rates that follow the NDEE-approved pesticide thresholds, and follow best management practices.

When approving sites, NDEE also considers the following requirements:

· Setbacks from waters of the state and other water bodies;
· Slope of the land;
· Setbacks from dwellings;
· Setbacks from potable water supplies, including community water supplies; and
· Depth to groundwater.

The final document that includes the approved sites can be found on NDEE’s public records portal in a document titled “Best Management Practices (BMP),” filed Aug. 23, 2024. NDEE’s approval is in a document titled “Best Management Practices (BMP),” filed Aug. 26, 2024.

The AFRG’s initial proposal for fall land application is in a document titled “Best Management Practices,” filed July 22, 2024. NDEE provided comments, and the AFRG provided an amended version of the proposal, titled “Best Management Practices (BMP),” filed Aug. 13, 2024, prior to submitted the final BMP.

Additional information on the AFRG’s Best Management Practices plan can be found in a July 31, 2024, update.


NDEE receives proposed wetcake RAP from AFRG - August 29, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has received the proposed wetcake remedial action plan (RAP) from the AltEn Facility Response Group (AFRG).

The RAP can be viewed on NDEE’s public records portal in a document titled “Remedial Action Work Plan,” filed Aug. 23, 2024. In it, the AFRG proposes to continue on-site solidification of the wetcake for disposal at an off-site landfill.

NDEE will begin an internal review process of the wetcake RAP. Any comments that the department generates during this internal review will be submitted back to the AFRG, and the AFRG will have the opportunity to address those comments and resubmit the RAP. This internal review and response will happen before the proposed RAP is open for public comment. The proposed RAP is a public record and will be available to view during NDEE’s internal review and before public comment begins. Correspondence between NDEE and the AFRG regarding the proposed RAP also will be part of the public record and available to view.

If NDEE’s comments are addressed to its satisfaction, NDEE will then provide public notice of its intent to approve the RAP by publishing a legal notice in a local newspaper of general circulation near the affected area, as well as on the agency website at the following link: The public comment period will begin once the legal notice is published. The public comment period will remain open for 30 days. During the public comment period, NDEE will take written comments from the public on the proposed RAP. NDEE will also hold a public hearing, at which the public can testify. The date for the public hearing will be contained in the published legal notice. All written comments or testimony received by NDEE during the public comment period will become part of the public record.

Comments and testimony from the public submitted outside of the 30-day public comment period and public hearing may not be considered.

Following the public comment period and public hearing, NDEE will prepare a responsiveness summary to the public comments and testimony received during the 30-day public comment period and may request that the RAP be revised to address issues raised by the public.

After AFRG has a chance to respond to the responsiveness summary and/or revise the proposed RAP, NDEE will undertake a final review and, if satisfied, make a final decision on the proposed RAP.

NDEE receives drinking water well sample results - August 20, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has received test results for samples collected from 18 private drinking water wells in the Mead area, four public water supply (PWS) wells at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center, and two PWS wells on the Army National Guard property.

The agency tested the water for pesticides associated with the AltEn Facility. Private drinking water wells were also sampled for nitrate.

NDEE collected samples in late June and early July as a continuation of previous well sampling efforts. The wells were selected based on their proximity to the AltEn site, known land application and storage locations of the facility’s wetcake and wastewater, and groundwater flow direction.

Sample results confirmed the presence of pesticides in one private well, and three of the four UNL wells. All pesticide levels were below the Human Health Benchmarks for Drinking Water established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. NDEE has contacted each of the affected well owners by phone and transmitted results via mail.

Additionally, eight wells contained nitrate above the health standard of 10 milligrams/liter. NDEE sampled for nitrate as a courtesy to give well owners a more complete picture of their water quality. It is not unusual to find nitrate in private drinking water wells in Nebraska, and annual sampling for nitrate is recommended.

Information on previous well sampling events can be found on the Updates for Mead, Nebraska Archive page.


NDEE receives plan for fall 2024 land application - July 31, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has received a best management practices (BMP) plan for applying treated wastewater from the AltEn facility onto nearby agricultural land in the fall of 2024.

AltEn has an NPDES permit that allows the land application of treated wastewater, and this permit requires a BMP plan before land application events occur to ensure the treated wastewater is applied in an appropriate manner.

The AltEn Facility Response Group (AFRG) submitted the BMP plan for fall application on July 22, 2024. It can be viewed on the agency’s public records portal in a document titled “Best Management Practices (BMP),” filed on July 23, 2024.

The BMP plan, if approved, would allow the application of treated wastewater on 14 sites near the AltEn facility. These 14 sites total 1,147.11 acres, according to the AFRG.

The agency is currently reviewing the BMP plan.


NDEE receives subsoil sampling plan for northeast lagoon - July 16, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has received a subsoil sampling plan from the AltEn Facility Response Group (AFRG). The AFRG plans to conduct samples from the subsoil of the northeast industrial lagoon.

A document outlining this plan can be found in NDEE’s public records portal, in a document titled “Sampling Work Plan,” filed July 10, 2024.

The AFRG is removing the liner from the northeast industrial lagoon and is consolidating solids in the northern portion of the lagoon. Once that work is completed, the AFRG will collect subsoil samples to determine migration potential of pesticides from the northeast lagoon’s water or solids and provide an initial assessment of long-term impacts to groundwater under the site.

Information on the AFRG’s work to remove the northeast lagoon liner can be seen in the May 10, 2024, update.

Lagoon solids consolidation was anticipated to be complete by July 12, 2024. Subsoil sampling is expected to take place July 16-18, 2024.


NDEE receives plan to remove liner in northwest lagoon - July 12, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has received notice from the AltEn Facility Response Group (AFRG) that it plans to remove a portion of the liner from the northwest industrial lagoon on the AltEn site.

This notice can be found on NDEE’s public records portal in a document titled “Sampling Work Plan,” filed July 10, 2024. The work on the northwest lagoon is not intended as a final closure action.

The AFRG plans to consolidate solids and remove the liner in the southeastern quadrant of the northwest lagoon as a pilot study to gather engineering data and test means and methods for a full-scale consolidation of the solids in the northwest lagoon.

The AFRG notice also states that the pilot will improve existing drainage to remove water from the northwest lagoon, assess the effectiveness of dewatering the solids, and create a sufficient quantity of pre-drained solids to pilot test a solidification method.

Work is expected to begin in mid-July and will last an estimated 30 days.

NDEE receives plan to dredge southeast lagoon, approves permit modification - May 29, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy received and approved a plan from the AltEn Facility Response Group (AFRG) to dredge solids from the southeast industrial lagoon at the AltEn site.

This plan requires a permit modification to the facility’s Title 123 permit, which NDEE has approved. Title 123 provides rules and regulations for the design, operation, and maintenance of wastewater works.

AFRG’s plan and permit modification application can be found in NDEE’s public records portal in documents titled “Construction,” filed on May 15, 2024. NDEE’s approval is also in the portal in a document titled “Change Approval,” filed May 16, 2024. NDEE sent additional correspondence regarding the Title 123 modification approval to the AFRG, titled “Change Approval,” filed May 28, 2024.

The purpose of dredging the lagoon is to control the amount of total suspended solids entering the wastewater treatment system. The AFRG plan states as water moves from the southeast lagoon to be treated, the amount of solids remaining in the southeast lagoon increases and could reduce the water flow to the treatment system.

In addition to dredging the solids, the AFRG plans to chemically condition the solids and place them in geotubes installed in the northeast lagoon. This will take place after the solids consolidation and liner removal in the northeast lagoon has been completed (see May 10, 2024, update for more information).


DateAdministrative Order - Judicial Case
02/23/2022 - Administrative Order 
03/01/2021 - Judicial Case 
02/20/2021 - Administrative Order 
02/04/2021 - Administrative Order 
Older updates:

NDEE receives AFRG's lagoon subsoil sample results - May 24, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has received results from soil samples collected beneath the northwest wastewater lagoon at the AltEn Facility.

Sample results can be found on the agency’s public records portal in a document titled, “Sampling Results,” filed May 13, 2024.

The AltEn Facility Response Group (AFRG) collected soil samples as part of its work to relieve gas bubbles in the northwest lagoon liner. NDEE collected split samples during this effort and its sampling results can also be found in the public records portal in a document titled “Sampling Results,” filed April 30, 2024. The agency is currently reviewing the sample results from the AFRG.

Soil samples were collected in March 2024,r and are meant to determine migration potential of pesticides from the northwest lagoon’s water and solids, as well as to compare data to the results of soil samples collected beneath the consolidated wet cake pile. This data will be used to establish site-specific soil screening levels for groundwater protection.

More information on the AFRG’s plan to address gas bubbles and collect soil samples can be seen in the February 16, 2024, update below titled “AFRG submits plans to address ‘gas whales’ in northwest lagoon.”

Information on the soil sampling from beneath the wet cake pile can be seen in the following updates:

· AFRG notifies NDEE of wetcake excavation – November 9, 2023
· NDEE receives subsurface soil sample results – January 5, 2024
· NDEE receives AFRG’s wetcake subsoil characterization report – May 8, 2024


NDEE receives plan to remove northeast lagoon liner - May 10, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy has received a plan from the AltEn Facility Response Group (AFRG) that it plans to remove the liner from the AltEn Facility’s northeast wastewater lagoon. This action is not intended as a final closure of the lagoon.

The plan can be found on NDEE’s public records portal in a document titled “Removal Action Plan,” filed May 2, 2024.

In the plan, the AFRG states removing the liner is a safety measure to avoid it blowing out of the lagoon during high winds. Water that remains in the northeast lagoon would be transferred to the southeast wastewater lagoon. The liner would be cut into pieces and staged in the lagoon to be profiled, transported and disposed at a permitted facility.

AFRG also states remaining solids would be consolidated on the north side of the northeast lagoon, where they will be bermed and drained to sumps. The solids would then be covered in Posi-shell or tackifier to prevent dust migration.

NDEE reviewed the notice and provided comments to the AFRG. NDEE’s comments are available on the public records portal in a document titled “Work Plan Comments,” filed May 7, 2024.

NDEE receives AFRG's wetcake subsoil characterization report - May 8, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has received additional results from soil samples collected beneath the consolidated wetcake pile at the AltEn Facility.

The sample results can be found on the agency’s public records portal in a document titled “Soil Sampling Results,” filed April 29, 2024.

NDEE collected split samples from the AltEn Facility Response Group’s (AFRG) primary samples on Nov. 28 and 29, 2023, in an excavated portion of the wetcake pile. NDEE received its sample results earlier this year (see more in the Jan. 5, 2024, update below). The results received most recently are the AFRG’s portion of the samples collected.

Soil samples were collected to help determine site-specific soil screening levels and to help delineate the extent of pesticides from the wetcake to the underlying soil.

NDEE is currently reviewing the recent sample results.

NDEE receives notice of continuation of solid waste pilot study - April 16, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) received a notice from the AltEn Facility Response Group (AFRG) that it plans to continue its solid waste pilot study.

The notice can be found on the agency’s public records portal in a document titled “Pilot Study,” filed April 11, 2024.

The purpose of this study is to obtain data on the feasibility of taking wetcake from AltEn to an off-site, permitted landfill.

The AFRG first began its solid waste pilot project in May 2023 by removing non-wetcake materials; the pilot study pivoted to removing wetcake in the fall of 2023. Work on the pilot study was paused in November 2023 because of winter weather.

The AFRG plans to restart the pilot this spring and re-implement site controls to secure loads, manage stormwater, avoid tracking material out off site, and conduct air monitoring.

The final schedule for the pilot is still being developed, but it is expected to last 5 to 6 weeks once it begins. The AFRG’s notice states trucks will not transport material on Sundays or during community events.

Previous updates on the pilot study can be seen below, or on the Archive of Information and Updates for AltEn page.

NDEE approves sites for spring 2024 land application - March 13, 2024

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has approved six sites for land application of treated wastewater from the AltEn facility.

The AltEn Facility Response Group (AFRG) is authorized to begin applying treated wastewater on these sites. NDEE has directed the AFRG to apply the treated wastewater according to the land’s nutrient budget, at rates that follow the NDEE-approved pesticide thresholds, and follow best management practices.

When approving sites, NDEE also considers the following requirements:

· Setbacks from waters of the state and other water bodies;
· Slope of the land;
· Setbacks from dwellings;
· Setbacks from potable water supplies, including community water supplies; and
· Depth to groundwater.

The document that includes the approved sites can be found in NDEE’s public records portal in a document titled “Best Management Practices (BMP),” filed March 6, 2024. NDEE’s approval is in a document titled “Best Management Practices (BMP),” filed March 7, 2024.

The AFRG’s initial proposal for spring land application is also in the public records portal in a document titled “Best Management Practices (BMP),” filed Feb. 13, 2024. NDEE provided comments prior to receiving and approving the final Best Management Practices plan for Spring 2024 land application.

Additional information on the AFRG’s Best Management Practices plan can be found in a Feb. 22, 2024, update.

Archived Updates can be found HERE