NDEE conducts background sampling in Mead
News Release

NDEE conducts background sampling in Mead
The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy has conducted additional sampling in the Mead area to gain additional background on the AltEn ethanol facility, and to remain vigilant regarding potential environmental impacts the facility has had on the area.
This sampling effort includes six public water supply wells, four private wells and one soil sample.
Drinking water well sampling
The six public water supply wells include two wells at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center; two wells at the Nebraska National Guard’s training site; and two wells connected to Mead’s public water system. As of March 2, the agency has collected two of the four private well samples. These sample sites were selected because of their proximity to the facility and known land application of both distillers grain and the facility’s lagoon wastewater.
Soil Sample
NDEE also collected a soil sample from Mead’s public park to evaluate air deposition, which happens when wind carries contaminants in the air that later re-deposit on the ground. While the agency does not expect to find contamination at this site, it conducted the sampling in an abundance of caution.
Test results from this sampling effort will be made available on the agency’s public records portal. Those interested can view them by searching the Facility ID 84069. NDEE is also making information regarding AltEn and cleanup efforts available through a new link on the main page of our website. The title of this new link is “Information and Updates for AltEn in Mead, Nebraska” and it will provide updated information and transparency to residents of the Mead vicinity, and is available to the general public.