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Wood Building Products Surface Coating

Air Toxics Notebook

Wood Building Products Surface Coating


eCFR Subpart QQQQ []

The source category to which this subpart applies is:
surface coating of wood building products, which means the application of coatings using, for example, roll coaters or curtain coaters in the finishing or laminating of any wood building product that contains more than 50 percent by weight wood or wood fiber excluding the weight of any glass components, and is used in the construction, either interior or exterior, of a residential, commercial or institutional building.

The wood building products source category inlcues the subcategories:
1. doors, windows, and miscellaneous.
2. flooring
3. interior wall paneling and tileboard
4. other interior panels
5. exterior siding and primed doorskins

Applies to major sources of HAP that use 1,100 gallons or more per year of a coating to coat wood building products.

Rules apply to small, area sources?
Known Sources in NDEE Jurisdiction


Date of Original Final Rule
Amendments Dates

03/07/2022 - Proposed Rule
03/04/2019 - Final Rule
05/16/2018 - Proposed Rule
05/28/2003 - Final Rule

State Regulations

Title 129, Chapter 13, Section 002.69

Previously: Chapter 28, Section 001.75.

Sources are also responsible for ensuring they are in compliance with current federal requirements found for this subpart in the CFR.

Federal Regulations
40 CFR 63.4680
Related Rules

NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 63

Subpart JJ - Wood Furniture Manufacturing
Subpart DDDD - Plywood & Composite Wood Products (VACATED)
Subpart QQQQQQ - Wood Preserving (area sources)

FAQ's, Fact Sheets, and Rules Summaries

EPA's Subpart QQQQ Website [] - contains federal register notices and implementation tools

Other Information and Resources
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