Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS)
TRS compounds are formed during the anaerobic decomposition (i.e., decay in the absence of oxygen) of organic materials, and from certain industrial and commercial processes. Typical sources include packing plants, tanneries, waste treatment plants, oil and natural gas wells, and refineries. TRS is typically composed of hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide and other volatile compounds containing reduced sulfur.
Potential health impacts associated with low-level exposure include headaches, depression, fatigue and nausea. Exposure to higher levels can result in eye and respiratory irritation, olfactory nerve fatigue and pulmonary edema, and in cases of more extreme exposure, unconsciousness, respiratory failure and death. Potential welfare impacts include detrimental effects on plant life.
The State ambient air quality standards for TRS are set forth NDEE Title 129, Chapter 2. These standards are 10 ppm as a 1-minute average and 0.10 ppm as a 30-minute average. A National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) has not been established for TRS.
Nebraska Air Quality Reports – These annual reports provide: monitor locations, air monitoring data summaries, the ambient air quality standards, pollutant sources and their impacts, and regional air quality reviews.
Nebraska Ambient Monitoring Network Review Reports – These annual reports describe the Nebraska Ambient Air Monitoring Network including changes and anticipated changes.
If the above references do not provide the information you require, please contact the Air Quality Division at either (402) 471-2186 or (402) 471-4159 to inquire about the availability of additional information, including ambient air quality monitoring data.
Or send an email inquiry to:
Data Revisions
The TRS data available on this web site may be subject to change based upon periodic quality assurance reviews. Starting in 2004, each set of monthly data on this web site has a revision date listed on it.