PFAS in Public Water Supply Systems
On April 10, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the final PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) which applies to all Community Water Systems (CWS) and Non-transient, Non-community (NTNC) water systems. The final rule regulates six unique PFAS compounds including PFOA, PFOS, PFHxS, PFNA, HFPO-DA (Gen X Chemicals) and PFBS.
Systems must complete initial PFAS monitoring requirements by April 26, 2027. These initial monitoring requirements are based on system size and the type of water source they use. For groundwater systems serving greater than 10,000 population, and all surface water sources, initial monitoring includes sampling quarterly for four consecutive quarters. For groundwater systems serving 10,000 or fewer in population, initial monitoring requires sampling twice in a 12-month period.
There are two sources of sampling efforts for initial PFAS monitoring requirements; the 5th Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR5), which is being conducted by the EPA for systems serving greater than 3,300 in population, and the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE), which is being funding by the Nebraska State Revolving Fund for CWS serving fewer than 3,300 in population.
The NDEE is providing free initial PFAS monitoring for all CWS and some selected NTNC systems serving fewer than 3,300 in population, while the EPA is providing free initial PFAS monitoring for all systems serving between 3,300 and 10,000 in population. Systems serving more than 10,000 in population are being sampled through the EPA’s routine UCMR5 and are required to fund that sampling.
For more information, visit the EPA’s Final PFAS NPDWR page: Final PFAS NPDWR | US EPA
EPA PFAS Monitoring
UCMR is the only rule, which is carried out by the EPA, and is intended to sample systems for contaminants which are being evaluated for potential regulation to determine the extent of their distribution. UCMR is done every five years, with UCMR5 being conducted between 2023 and 2025. UCMR5 is sampling for 29 PFAS compounds and lithium. As of December 2024, 35 of the 52 CWS sampling under UCMR5in Nebraska have been sampled at least once for PFAS. Monitoring results determined that three systems tested above one or more PFAS MCLs.
Nationally, EPA has sampled nearly 11,000 PWSs and found one or more PFAS above the MCL in ~12.5% of systems, most of which are on the east and west coasts or in the great lakes region. To view an interactive map of UCMR5 monitoring results visit the Environmental Working Group’s page: Interactive PFAS Contamination Map | EWG
NDEE PFAS Monitoring
The NDEE, following the EPA’s UCMR5 monitoring program, is offering CWS serving fewer than 3,300 in population the opportunity to voluntarily sample their water sources at no cost to the system. As of December 2024, 416 of the 449 CWS have been sampled at least once. This is roughly 92% of CWS in Nebraska. In early 2024, the NDEE has begun to conduct a second round of sampling, while encouraging systems that have not yet monitored their sources, to take advantage of this free service. Monitoring results determined 34 PFAS detections above their established MCLs. A breakdown of the current findings is shown in the table below, along with a map of all state monitoring results.

For additional information about sampling your CWS, or to request a sampling kit, please contact your Field Representative or email the Drinking Water Program at