AWIN: Assessing Wastewater Infrastructure Needs
The Nebraska Department of Environment & Energy (NDEE) developed the Assessing Wastewater Infrastructure Needs (AWIN) program to assist struggling communities in Nebraska to better afford, maintain, and operate wastewater infrastructure projects. The goal of AWIN is to use current information to provide accurate estimates of future conditions in Nebraska communities. This information can be used to develop sustainable projects and minimize financial burdens for struggling communities, while working toward compliance for all communities. (See Related Documents at the bottom of this page.)
The link below, “AWIN Sustainability Risk List and Individual Community Datasheets,” provides:
- a list of Nebraska communities and their AWIN Sustainability Risk, and
- links to Individual Community Datasheets.
Communities are listed alphabetically in the list, or you can use the Search feature to select a specific community. The list provides each community’s AWIN Number and Sustainability Risk. The last column will include a link to a Community Datasheet, which provides more detailed information about individual communities. Datasheets are in the process of being placed on NDEE’s web site, but not all communities will have a datasheet online immediately. If a specific community’s datasheet is not yet available, it can be obtained from NDEE by sending a request to
AWIN Sustainability Risk List and Individual Community Datasheets
How AWIN Works
AWIN examines various factors affecting communities, such as population change, per capita income, average age of residents and infrastructure needs, to develop a “sustainability risk” analysis. The focus of AWIN is to assist communities in evaluating their infrastructure needs to determine if affordable alternatives are available. AWIN will also be utilized in the prioritization of loans and grants through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan.
Statewide map of Sustainability Risk
The map below shows the sustainability risk in communities in Nebraska, based on the AWIN Sustainability Model. Green dots indicate communities that have low sustainability risk, yellow squares indicate communities that have a moderate sustainability risk, and red triangles indicate those that have a high sustainability risk.

Related Documents
- General Overview of AWIN: Assessing Wastewater Infrastructure Needs - Coming Soon
- Executive Summary of AWIN: Assessing Wastewater Infrastructure Needs - Coming Soon