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NDEE/DHHS release lead sampling data
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE), in cooperation with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), has released lead sampling data from its grant program that sampled drinking water in licensed child care facilities, and public preschools and elementary schools across the state.

The lead sampling data can be found on DHHS’s website:

Air Monitoring Program improves network
Press Releases

Over the last few years, the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy has worked to improve its air monitoring network. This air monitoring provides timely updates for all Nebraskans, but the information is especially valuable for those who are sensitive to certain pollutants.

The Nebraska Ambient Air Monitoring Network operates to ensure the state is in compliance with the federal National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). These standards are established for:

$6.7 million awarded to Waste and Litter Reduction, Recycling and Scrap Tire Grants
Press Releases

LINCOLN, Neb. — Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy Director Jim Macy announced Feb. 16 the award of $6,679,007 in grants to support 155 projects across the state. These grants will help fund litter and waste reduction projects, recycling programs, and pay costs for scrap tire cleanups and collections for household hazardous waste, electronic waste, and pharmaceuticals.

NDEE to provide rebates for replacing diesel vehicles and irrigation engines
Press Releases

LINCOLN, Neb. — Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy Director Jim Macy announced on Feb. 23, 2022, that the 2021 Nebraska Clean Diesel Program is awarding approximately $1.3 million in rebates to schools, refuse companies and farmers across the state to aid in the replacement of older diesel vehicles and engines.

Rebates were awarded in three project categories:

NDEE Emergency Response Team provides assistance
Press Releases

When a petroleum or chemical spill takes place that could pose a hazard to public health or the environment, the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy has trained team members who provide technical and regulatory assistance.

NDEE’s Emergency Response Team is on call 24 hours a day. The team has the ability to respond to and investigate spills. They provide initial assistance to local emergency responders. This team also works closely with local, state and federal agencies involved in the emergency response.

New Industrial Stormwater General Permit Now Available
Press Releases

April 4, 2022 -- The Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has issued the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Industrial Stormwater General Permit (ISW-GP) NER920000. This general permit authorizes discharges of storm water associated with industrial activities to waters of the State, Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems, or Combined Sewer Systems. The permit is applicable statewide to 11 categories of industrial activities.

All About NDEE: NDEE monitors air quality during prescribed burn season
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE), in partnership with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), alerts Nebraskans to potential smoke impacts during the spring, when ranchers in the Flint Hills region of Kansas and Oklahoma, and elsewhere throughout the region conduct prescribed burns.