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Applications Being Accepted for Ethanol Blender Pumps Up to 66 Flex Fuel Pumps to be Installed Across Nebraska
Press Releases

LINCOLN – The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) is taking applications for a new grant program designed to encourage the installation of ethanol blender pumps across Nebraska. Expanding motorists’ access to higher blends of ethanol will increase usage of advance biofuels and offer benefits to the state’s environment. Funding for the grants is made possible through a three-year, $3 million award from the Nebraska Environmental Trust.

Health Alerts issued for Wagon Train and Rockford lakes
Press Releases

The state has issued health alerts for Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB), also known as toxic blue-green algae, at Wagon Train Lake in Lancaster County and Rockford Lake in Gage County.

Lakes that continue to be on health alert are Maple Creek Recreation Area Lake in Colfax County, Kirkman’s Cove Lake in Richardson County and Willow Creek Reservoir in Pierce County. Bluestem Lake in Lancaster County has been removed from the list of lakes under health alert.

Health Alert issued for Oliver Reservoir
Press Releases

The state has issued a health alert for Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB), also known as toxic blue-green algae, at Oliver Reservoir in Kimball County.

Lakes that continue to be on health alert are Maple Creek Recreation Area Lake in Colfax County, Wagon Train Lake in Lancaster County and Willow Creek Reservoir in Pierce County. Kirkman’s Cove Lake in Richardson County and Rockford Lake in Gage County have been removed from the list of lakes under health alert.

Health Alert issued for Swan Creek Lake
Press Releases

The state has issued a health alert for Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB), also known as toxic blue-green algae, at Swan Creek Lake (5A) in Phelps County, also known as Willard Meyer Recreation Area.

Wagon Train Lake in Lancaster County continues to be on health alert. Maple Creek Recreation Area Lake in Colfax County, Willow Creek Reservoir in Pierce County and Oliver Reservoir in Kimball County have been removed from the list of lakes under health alert.

2021 Waste, Litter, and Scrap Tire grant applications accepted August 13 – September 10
Press Releases

LINCOLN – Grants for the 2021 Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive, Litter Reduction and Recycling, and Scrap Tire programs can be submitted from August 13 - September 10, 2020 (4 p.m. CST). The grant term will be January 1 - December 31, 2021. Grant decisions will be announced in December 2020.

Lead testing available for drinking water in schools, child care facilities
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE), in cooperation with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), has grant funds available for public child care facilities, preschools and elementary schools across the state to sample for lead in their drinking water. Sampling will begin Sept. 1 and end in April 2021.

Health Alerts issued for Rockford Lake and Willow Creek Reservoir
Press Releases

The state has issued health alerts for Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB), also known as toxic blue-green algae, at Rockford Lake in Gage County and Willow Creek Reservoir in Pierce County.

Wagon Train Lake in Lancaster County continues to be on health alert. Swan Creek Lake (5A) in Phelps County, also known as Willard Meyer Recreation Area, has been removed from the list of lakes under health alert.

Health Alerts issued for Calamus Reservoir, Bluestem Lake, Johnson Lake, Kirkman’s Cove Lake and Oliver Reservoir
Press Releases

The state has issued health alerts for Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB), also known as toxic blue-green algae, at Calamus Reservoir in Loup County, Bluestem Lake in Lancaster County, Johnson Lake in Dawson and Gosper counties, Kirkman’s Cove Lake in Richardson County and Oliver Reservoir in Kimball County.

Wagon Train Lake in Lancaster County, Rockford Lake in Gage County and Willow Creek Reservoir in Pierce County continue to be on health alert.

NDEE to provide rebates for replacement of 46 school buses
Press Releases

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy Director Jim Macy announced Aug. 28 that the state is awarding approximately $2 million in rebates to schools across Nebraska to aid in the replacement of older diesel school buses.

The funded projects include 45 public school districts and one bus contractor serving a public school district. Each project will replace one older diesel bus with a new bus with much lower emissions. A list of grant recipients is below.

Nebraska Students’ Environmental Artwork to be Featured in 2021 “Nebraska: Don’t Waste It” Calendar
Press Releases

The artwork of 12 Nebraska students will be featured in the 2021 “Nebraska: Don’t Waste It!” environmental calendar. The statewide contest is sponsored by the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) and focuses on the importance of waste reduction, recycling and litter cleanup.