Sept. 9 Meeting to Discuss Waste Grant Program Priority System
Press Releases
Aug. 27, 2015 – The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) is announcing that the second of two outreach meetings concerning the Program Priority System for the Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive Grants Program will be held in Lincoln on Sept. 9 at 2 p.m.
Beatrice, Centel Apply to State’s Voluntary Program to Clean Up Former Gas Plant Site
Press Releases
On August 25, the City of Beatrice and Centel jointly applied to the Nebraska Voluntary Cleanup Program to clean up environmental contamination from an old former manufactured gas plant.
Drinking Water Protection Workshops to be held in Gothenburg, West Point
Press Releases
Sept. 8, 2015 – Two workshops focusing on Drinking Water Protection will be held in Gothenburg on Oct. 28th and in West Point on Nov. 4th.
Goals of the workshops are to offer an opportunity for municipal officials, drinking water system operators and administrators to learn about our groundwater-based drinking water supply sources, approaches to protect these sources from contamination, and ways to strengthen collaboration in protecting our drinking water. Times and locations of the workshops are:
Health Alert Issued for Pawnee Lake; Alert Continues at Willow Creek Lake
Press Releases
The state has issued a health alert for toxic blue-green algae at Pawnee Lake in Lancaster County. An alert also continues to be in effect for Willow Creek Lake in Pierce County. Weekly sampling has been conducted at 50 public lakes in Nebraska since the beginning of May.
Environmental Update - Ethanol Workshops Scheduled November 17 in Norfolk and November 18 in Grand Island
Press Releases
Sept. 16, 2015 – The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality has scheduled the 2015 Environmental Update - Ethanol Workshops to be held in two locations in Nebraska this November:
November 17 – Norfolk, at the Lifelong Learning Center, Northeast Community College – 801 Benjamin Avenue
November 18 – Grand Island, at College Park – 3180 US Highway 34
Health Alert Issued for Swan Creek Lake #5A; Alerts Continue at Pawnee Lake, Willow Creek Lake
Press Releases
The state has issued a health alert for toxic blue-green algae at Swan Creek Lake #5A, (also known as Willard Meyer Recreational Area) in Saline County. Alerts also continue to be in effect at Pawnee Lake in Lancaster County and Willow Creek Lake in Pierce County.
Environmental Update – AFO Workshop Scheduled December 11 in Norfolk
Press Releases
December 4, 2015 – The 2015 Environmental Update – AFO Workshop, hosted by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, will be held in Norfolk on December 11. Spaces are still available; those who haven’t registered yet can register using the form below, or can register at the event. A $10 fee is charged to cover costs for snacks and beverages.
The date time and location are:
Health Alert Issued for Rockford Lake; Alerts Continue at Swan Creek Lake, Pawnee Lake, Willow Creek Lake
Press Releases
The state has issued a health alert for toxic blue-green algae at Rockford Lake in Gage County. Alerts also continue to be in effect at Swan Creek Lake #5A, (also known as Willard Meyer Recreational Area) in Saline County, Pawnee Lake in Lancaster County and Willow Creek Lake in Pierce County.
Brownfields Funding Workshop to be Held in Lincoln Oct. 20 Registration Due by October 14
Press Releases
Oct. 1, 2015 -- A free “2015 Redevelopment Funding for Brownfields Workshop” will be held Oct. 20, 2015 at the Lancaster County Extension Center, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Lincoln. The workshop is co-hosted by NDEQ and the Technical Assistance to Brownfields Program at Kansas State University.
The workshop is provided for local government officials, community development personnel and anyone within local government and Health Departments across the state interested in learning about Brownfields and/or the tools and resources available to assist with local redevelopment opportunities.
Nebraska Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel to Meet November 10
Press Releases
The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality will be coordinating the annual meeting of the Nebraska Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 10:00 a.m., at the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Van Dorn Complex, 2717 South 8th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. For additional information, please see the meeting agenda, or contact Ryan Green, NDEQ Small Business and Public Assistance Coordinator, at 402-471-8697.