Air Emission Inventory / Fee Program
Air Emission Data
The NDEE Air Quality Program compiles air emission data from many sources through an annual emission inventory. An air emission inventory is an annual report of actual emissions based on production, emission rates, consumption, combustion, and additional information submitted to the Division.
Facilities that are required to obtain an air operating or construction permit must submit an emission inventory each year on March 31st, if requested. Additionally, the Division will request smaller, lower emitting sources to submit an emission inventory once every three years. Approximately 700 facilities submit emission inventories each year. NDEE places a list of facilities required to submit emission inventories on the website along with the reporting forms.
Additionally, the Department submits emission inventory data to the Environmental Protection Agency. Nebraska’s data is compiled with emissions information from other air pollution authorities to become the National Emission Inventory.
This is a comprehensive inventory to account for air emissions from a variety of source categories, including those not typically inventoried each year. These additional categories include smaller emission sources (dry cleaners, gas stations, auto body shops, lawn mowers, etc.), mobile, and biogenic sources.
This comprehensive inventory is useful for determining trends, as well as for regional planning efforts. More information related to the National Emission Inventory can be found on EPA’s website at their Technical Air Pollution Resources page.
Major industrial sources of air emissions pay fees per ton of pollutant emitted per calendar year. The maximum fee assessment is 4000 tons per pollutant. For electrical generating facilities with a capacity of between 75 and 115 megawatts, the maximum is 400 tons per pollutant.
The fees generated are used to support the Air Quality Division’s major industrial source permitting programs. The fee rate for emissions varies from year to year. Historically, fee assessments have ranged from $40 - $70 per ton of pollutant.
Due & Payable
Fees are due and payable on July 1st of each year.