Illegal Dumpsite Cleanup Program
The Illegal Dumpsite Cleanup Program provides funding assistance to political subdivisions for the cleanup of solid waste disposed of along public roadways or ditches. Through this program, items such as household waste, white goods, construction and demolition waste, and furniture are removed from the illegal site and disposed in a permitted facility or recycled.
Funding for this program is limited to five percent of the total revenue from the disposal fee collected from landfills in the preceding fiscal year. Approximately $120,000 is available annually.
Who’s Eligible?
Political subdivisions. This can include municipalities, counties, Natural Resources Districts, Sanitary Improvement Districts, Solid Waste Agencies, and Public Power Districts.
What costs are eligible?
Examples of cleanup costs that may be eligible for reimbursement include:
- Labor
- Equipment usage
- Vehicle mileage
- Disposal fees
Who to Contact
NDEE’s Waste and Air Grant Unit: :
Reimbursement procedures
- The political subdivision contacts the NDEE Waste and Air Grant Unit to ensure that cleanup activities are eligible for reimbursement.
- The political subdivision uses existing staff and equipment, or contracts for cleanup services. (Note: During cleanup, if you come across suspected hazardous waste, such as solvents, paints and unknown chemicals, contact NDEE at 402-471-2186 or 877-253-3603 (Monday -Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) After hours, weekend, and holidays, contact Nebraska State Patrol Dispatch at 402-479-4921)
- Illegal dumpsite cleanup is completed.
- The political subdivision completes an Illegal Dumpsite Cleanup Program - Request for Reimbursement form and emails it to or mails it to the address at the bottom of this page.
- NDEE staff reviews the application. If the application is approved, it will either be reimbursed at that time, or placed on the List for Future Payments.
When to Apply
Reimbursements are issued on an on-going basis. There are no specific deadlines to submit reimbursement requests.
Supporting Regulations
Title 199 – Waste Reduction and Recycling Incentive Grants Program
More Information
Nebraska Department of Environment & Energy
Waste and Air Grants Unit
245 Fallbrook Blvd, Suite 100
PO Box 98922
Lincoln, NE 68509-8922
Phone: 402-471-2186
Toll Free: 877-253-2603