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Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

Air Toxics Notebook

Municipal Solid Waste Landfills


eCFR Subpart AAAA []

This subpart applies to:

  1. Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills that have accepted waste since Nov 8, 1987, or have additional capacity for waste deposition and meets any of the following:
    1. Is a Major Source of HAPs* or is colocated with a Major Source of HAPs*;
    2. Is an Area Source of HAPs* with a design capacity of at least 2.5 million megagrams (Mg) and 2.5 million cubic meters (m3), and with estimated uncontrolled emissions of at least 50 Mg/year of NMOC.
  2. MSW landfills that have accepted waste since Nov 8, 1987, or have additional capacity for waste deposition, include a bioreactor, and meet any of the following:
    1. Is a Major Source of HAPs or is colocated with a Major Source of HAPs.
    2. Is an Area Source of HAPs with a design capacity of at least 2.5 million Mg and 2.5 million cubic meters, and is not permanently closed as of Jan 16, 2003.

*Major Sources of HAPs emit or have the potential to emit:

  • ≥ 10 tons/year of any single HAP; or
  • ≥ 25 tons/year of total HAPs.
  • Area Sources emit less than Major Sources.
Rules apply to small, area sources?
Known Sources in NDEE Jurisdiction
Facility IDNameLocation
62593Douglas Co RDFBennington
Date of Original Final Rule
Amendments Dates

2/3/2022 - Final Rule RTR Correction
1/14/2022 - Final Rule
04/08/2021 - Proposed Correction
10/13/2020 - Technical Correction
03/26/2020 - Final Rule
07/29/2019 - Proposed Rule
09/08/2006 - Proposed Rule
1/16/2003 - Final Rule

State Regulations

As of September 28, 2022: Title 129, Chapter 13, Section 002.56

Previously: Chapter 28, Section 001.64

Sources are also responsible for ensuring they are in compliance with current federal requirements found for this subpart in the CFR

Federal Regulations
40 CFR 63.1930
FAQ's, Fact Sheets, and Rules Summaries

Texas CEQ - Rule Flowchart []

EPA's Subpart AAAA Website [] - contains federal register notices, technical information, and implementation tools

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