Appendix A-5: Test Methods 11 through 15A - Subpart Appendix A-5
NSPS Notebook
Appendix A-5: Test Methods 11 through 15A - Subpart Appendix A-5
eCFR Appendix A-5 []
Test Methods for stationary sources:
Method 11: Determination of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) content of fuel gas streams in petroleum refineries.
Method 12: Determination of inorganic lead emissions
Method 13A: Determination of total fluoride emissions - SPADNS zirconium lake method.
Method 13B: Determination of total fluoride emissions - Specific ion electrode method.
Method 14: Determination of fluoride emissions from potroom roof monitors for primary aluminum plants.
Method 14A: Determination of total fluoride emissions from selected sources at primary aluminum production facilities.
Method 15: Determination of hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide, and carbon disulfide emissions.
Method 15A: Determination of total reduced sulfur emissions from sulfur recovery plants in petroleum refineries.
09/13/2010 (75 FR 55645)
10/17/2000 (65 FR 61744)
Title 129, Chapter 12, Sectoin 001.86
Previously: Chapter 18, Section 001.64
eCFR Appendix A-5 []