An Explanation of Community Datasheets and AWIN Sustainability Model
The Assessing Wastewater Facility Needs (AWIN) Sustainability Model is a probability model that evaluates a Nebraska community’s “sustainability risk.” The model determines the ability to pay for infrastructure needs in the future by analyzing the community’s population trends, economic status, and resources.
The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy developed the sustainability model using data from:
- 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census
- 2008-2012 American Community Survey
- Wichita State University Environmental Finance Center decision-making tool
This information has been compiled for communities throughout Nebraska, and is available on line by clicking on the “Community Datasheets” link below.
Community DataSheets
The Community Datasheets are in the process of being placed on NDEE’s web site, but not all communities will have a datasheet online immediately. If a specific community’s information is not yet available, it can be obtained from NDEE by sending a request to
At the top of each community datasheet, you will find the AWIN score, and in some cases, there will also be the WSU Matrix number.
The AWIN Number uses information from the WSU Matrix, when available, and several other socioeconomic factors. This AWIN process evaluates a community’s ability to pay for infrastructure needs in the future by analyzing individual the community's population trends, economic status and resources.
Higher AWIN scores indicate a greater risk for sustainability.
For example, a score of:
0-10 = Low Risk. The community is likely to have sustainable growth
11-15 = Moderate Risk. The community’s growth potential is uncertain and further evaluation is required to determine if additional assistance is needed
16-30 = High Risk. The community may need additional assistance to bring them into compliance
The Matrix Number is based on a decision-making tool, developed by Wichita State University Environmental Finance Center, which assesses rural populations and community sustainability for many towns in Nebraska. These are ranked in negative numbers; higher negative numbers indicate a greater community risk.